
December 30, 2008

Congrats, Omar and Elizabeth Williams./YWAM ministries

Praise God for friends like family, weddings like dreams, and photography that honors both.

My best friend Elizebeth Hamm, just got married, to Omar Williams Whaa whooo. Yay! Im not a wedding person, (or funeral for that matter) just the formality and structure of an event that represents a lifetime is just hard for me to grasp, and usually makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. This -this- I was excited for. It was like my sister was getting married, and I had the honor of being a bridesmaid. Matt and I didn't get to know Omar as much as we would of liked; but he has set himself up with a web of accountability to be an honorable and upright guy- soothing our consciences. Oh yeah, and did I mention these two met while in YWAM, the same orginazation that Matt and I are looking to get involved with. They are actually still missionaries. I know most of you dont know them but if ya have a minute say a prayer. They will be working in Alaska and doing some really cool stuff.
Photography was done by the fabulous Danette Chappell. To see more of her work please, please-please see her site. I just love to see humble artists honoring their gifts and working hard to use them to bless others. I continue to enjoy your stuff Dannett, and thanks for coming all the way from Santa Fe to visit your PA family!
YWAM Perth
Speaking of amazing Missionaries and the work they get to do on the front line...
Stumbled into this site from a YWAMer at the Perth Base.
whose mission statement is to. . .
"Raise awareness and educate others on various social injustice issues across the globe through creative means in order to shape an effective and lasting result."
Right now the injustice focus is child trafficking.
"On our second day we went out to a safe house established for women who had been either rescued or who had actually escaped from brothels in Mumbai, and made their way back to Nepal. Their stories inspired and provoked all of us, but it was their courage that truly humbled us. Their courage and desire to go back to Mumbai one day and serve the women still in the vicious cycle of prostitution. This is grace and passion in it's raw form."
(old poster from earlier this year)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke
This is where our passion is, and I believe that we need to do more. Please continue to pray for us (Matt and I) that we would be able to continue to move forward in our goals to do just that.

December 26, 2008

Clothing Drive

So we took off from Franklin, hearing that several people couldnt make it. . . by the time we loaded the car Matt and I were thankful. No one else wouldda fit. There had to have been about 20 trash bags full of shoes, shirts, pants, hats, socks, sweaters, sweats, jackets and so on...

We went down to the -I think that it was- the north side of the city, and no one was in sight. So we parked the car at the local church, near the park like before. I stayed at the car and Matt went to scout out what we could do. "by chance" he found Alfonzo, a friend he had made last time, with ready directions to a local bedding house/ shelter/ boarding house. SOoo0o I sat in the back of the car on top of several bags, in fetal position mind you, and we went up to the shelter. Big brick house with a mural on the back, and the rest of it was purple, inside out and troughout. Everyone was soo nice, and yup, thats where everyone was.

Just the joy on so many faces, drew me back. I was out of my element, surrounded with such caring and grateful people.

Thank you everyone for givin soo much, our car came back as empty as could be.

WE would like to go back in early March. THere was such a large and immediate response from soo many people. . . I will be making up more fliers soon.

Matts eyes were wide and full of cheer all of Christmas day, his heart was all over this and not just from a distance. (having lived in his car before) Every time we have been asked what we were doing fo X-mas he whouldnt dare say, for fear of bragging, and skip straight to convo about visiting with our families. Well I will boast for him, he is the most humble man I have ever met. And to see the delight in his face to be able to pass those clothes along made my X-mas complete. He is a man of action.
If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1John 3:17-18

December 10, 2008

New Peice, Pittsburgh outreach, Part of something bigger


Yay! First finished peice for my portfolio in a long time. I have such a hard time doing art for myself. I like the service of it,... but that comes with its hardships too. Here it is.

Its a little blurry. The lighting was bad soo... your kinda missn' out on the definate lines in the sheet of paper and the held yellow rope up to the kite.

The thought behind it all is the symbol of prayer, and the power of hope. Because we are not alone, and as Matt and I plan to go to the other side of the world,... people are praying for us. Their prayers are going with us from afar. Not just 'good luck', not just 'you can do it'. . . ya know what I mean? 3 different families have prayed and told us that they believe that God wants to use us as instruments to help people, they are goin to suport us monthy. We just asked them to pray. Isnt that cool!? Others are praying for our safety, Gods provision,. . . Im take n' it all in just greatful to be a part of somthing bigger.

For us in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and finishing all of the paperwork needed to leave,.... YES- we are getting excited, yes we love talking about it with everybody in preparing to say goodbye,.. but we just want to be instuments, we dont want to just get into all this to bring attention to ourselves. . . ya know.

Speaking of cool outreaches.. Ya wanna help, donate clothing, or join us for this one (below) let us know. Or if you would like to have a copy of this to print as a flyer to hang up in your break room let us know via. comment, email, myspace, er facebook .

December 3, 2008

Preparing the way

A map (above) of geographical areas to be aware of. If you are praying for us, or just wondering what we are up to.

  • The blue Dot on Australia is where we will be stationed. YWAM PERTH. In Perth, Australia.
  • The highlighted areas around Australia is where they as a base, feel called to do ministry, as well as reaching into the country of Australia itself. We will probably be sent somewhere together in this area
  • The BOXed area is known as the 10/40 window.

A few Facts about the 10/40 window region of the world.

  1. The top 10 countries with the largest amount of 'non-christian' or 'unreached population' are located here.
  2. 85% of the world's poorest of the poor live here.
  3. 43 of the top 50 countries that persecute Christians are here.Persecution here can be serious - jailtime or even death.
  4. Oh and the 10/40 part means the Latitude lines, if your looking on a globe.

Just some thoughts. . .

posted on September 2008
some testimonies from mediareachdts 08

Before I left for DTS I was in a place of hopelessness and
frustration. My parents divorce had left me bitter, resentful and overwhelmed by
a self ill-placed responsibility to fix my family. I came here as a last chance to
get my relationship right with God. I had been a Christian all of my life but I
have struggled so much with rebellion in many areas and I really felt like a
failure in my walk with God. When DTS started I was not aware of what it was
going to be like. I knew I would learn a lot about God and that I would be
helping people on outreach but what came next was a total and wonderful
surprise. I was now surrounded by people who also loved God, had been through
struggles, and wanted a right relationship with Him as well. It was a supportive
place for me to work through a lot of the intense pain I had in my heart. God
spoke to me about forgiveness, and replacing lies with truth but over all, He
wanted to tell me how much he loves me. He wanted me to know that I am not a
disappointment to him and that no matter what, He will always love me. It was a
concept I had never believed in my heart but I am now getting a hold on. The
creator of the universe loves me even when I mess up. Heʼs not waiting for me to
make a mistake. He delights in our time together and loves it when I sing him
little songs. He has plans for my life because He trusts that I am capable of
bringing Him glory AND He wants to bless me with a future that fits me to the
core of who I am. -Amanda

On my MediaReach DTS, one of the things that I am entering into is an intimacy with God that I have never known before. He wants full access to my heart, mind, and soul so that He can fine tune the details and usher me into freedom and deeper relationship with Him. This relationship touches all areas of my life, including my creativity and expression. Whether in web production, writing, or sculpting a cake, the God of the universe - ultimate Creator, Inventor, Artist Himself -- wants to co-create with me! How awesome is that?! I am excited that my final product will communicate God's heart, and not just my own ideas. -JoAnne

December 2, 2008

Times like these we learn to live again. . . .

Finally recording a good bulk of the work needed for Matt's EP. He has gathered a few friends together, uniting musicians from a variety of different backgrounds. A couple of golden-old friends from Pittsburgh and a couple pretty sweet ones from here too.

The following pictures were taken by an amazing photographer we know. Ollie, who has a sharp eye for soft contrasts and not-often-caught natural moments. I got these from her site. Oh!- and not to forget- Donny (Ollies fiance') who has done all the professional music mixing. You guys are such an amazing and talented couple. As the distance grows between us I hope that we can keep up with you two! Hope you enjoy your new lives in Pittsburgh, you will be missed.

MATTHEW, in his element.

MARK HAMM (below), As an integral part of the Hamm family, is like a cousin to me, I'd say brother, but I guess I don't get to see em very often. Congrats on Graduating from Full Sail college, and getting that internship in NYC!! Good Luck. . . your in our prayers.