
December 3, 2008

Preparing the way

A map (above) of geographical areas to be aware of. If you are praying for us, or just wondering what we are up to.

  • The blue Dot on Australia is where we will be stationed. YWAM PERTH. In Perth, Australia.
  • The highlighted areas around Australia is where they as a base, feel called to do ministry, as well as reaching into the country of Australia itself. We will probably be sent somewhere together in this area
  • The BOXed area is known as the 10/40 window.

A few Facts about the 10/40 window region of the world.

  1. The top 10 countries with the largest amount of 'non-christian' or 'unreached population' are located here.
  2. 85% of the world's poorest of the poor live here.
  3. 43 of the top 50 countries that persecute Christians are here.Persecution here can be serious - jailtime or even death.
  4. Oh and the 10/40 part means the Latitude lines, if your looking on a globe.

Just some thoughts. . .

posted on September 2008
some testimonies from mediareachdts 08

Before I left for DTS I was in a place of hopelessness and
frustration. My parents divorce had left me bitter, resentful and overwhelmed by
a self ill-placed responsibility to fix my family. I came here as a last chance to
get my relationship right with God. I had been a Christian all of my life but I
have struggled so much with rebellion in many areas and I really felt like a
failure in my walk with God. When DTS started I was not aware of what it was
going to be like. I knew I would learn a lot about God and that I would be
helping people on outreach but what came next was a total and wonderful
surprise. I was now surrounded by people who also loved God, had been through
struggles, and wanted a right relationship with Him as well. It was a supportive
place for me to work through a lot of the intense pain I had in my heart. God
spoke to me about forgiveness, and replacing lies with truth but over all, He
wanted to tell me how much he loves me. He wanted me to know that I am not a
disappointment to him and that no matter what, He will always love me. It was a
concept I had never believed in my heart but I am now getting a hold on. The
creator of the universe loves me even when I mess up. Heʼs not waiting for me to
make a mistake. He delights in our time together and loves it when I sing him
little songs. He has plans for my life because He trusts that I am capable of
bringing Him glory AND He wants to bless me with a future that fits me to the
core of who I am. -Amanda

On my MediaReach DTS, one of the things that I am entering into is an intimacy with God that I have never known before. He wants full access to my heart, mind, and soul so that He can fine tune the details and usher me into freedom and deeper relationship with Him. This relationship touches all areas of my life, including my creativity and expression. Whether in web production, writing, or sculpting a cake, the God of the universe - ultimate Creator, Inventor, Artist Himself -- wants to co-create with me! How awesome is that?! I am excited that my final product will communicate God's heart, and not just my own ideas. -JoAnne

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