

 "I want you guys to tell your ... families what a blessing you have been to Mexico City."- Local Pastor in Azpocazalco 

FIRST IMPRESSIONS - Want to see Mexico City through the eyes of a person jet-lagged and left to wander? Written at the wee hours of 3am -BAM! Here it is!   

SLIDE SHOW PHOTO SUMMERY  - A youtube video to music of Matt and I's Adventures. Including the 'Global Youth Outreach', Teaching times, Fun times, the beautiful people and culture we sadly left behind.

HARDER TIMES - Confronted face to face with the 'elephant in the room' of Mexico City. Drugs, homelessness, and hopelessness.

2. MORE PAINTING- Many photos of the murals we did at a deaf school along with many snippets of the other things we did.

ONLY THE BEGINING - The first couple weeks of ministry including some times at GYO and times with Art Reach.

MORE TO COME: When the ArtReach Slideshow is ever finished I will be directly posting it here.


Above: Our team All fun, all games, all passion through and through!