
December 14, 2009

Looking into the future.

Missions awareness. The following is an update that I recieved from Mike, a good friend of mine, who is just a few months ahead of where Matt and I  are right now. Hes been training for the last few months and about to leave on outreach; we are about to leave in March to start training. Although we will be working with compleately different ministries than Mike, but the challenges are about the same. So this goes out to all of you guys that have been and will be praying for us in the coming months. We have heard that we may be working in Mexico City also. (copied from Facebook)

Hello Friends and Family,
It has been a long time coming for this update and I do indeed apologize. But it has been quite busy down here. If you didn't know I have started another school at YWAM Perth, The Bible School for the Nations. It is an amazing school so far and I am learning heaps of stuff.

We are going through the Bible chronologically and really searching out what it's actualy trying to say. Looking at Historical context, Hebrew and Greek words, and grammar. These aspects have been bringing life to the Bible and really helping in understanding and applying the Bible.

One of the biggest things that I've learned was this idea of a worldview. It means one's personal view of the world and how one interprets it; The totality of one's beliefs about reality. Pretty much how we see the world, God, and others. We were using a textbook called 'Understanding the Times' by David A. Nobel. It's an amazing book that you should pick up, it goes over the 6 main worldviews of today:

Secular Humanism
New Age

After going over these worldviews and really understanding what having a Biblical worldview looks like it has radically changed the way I see Christianity. I found out that I had alot of postmodern views about life, myself, and God. And these views are something that God is not intending me to live out of. He wants me to live out of the Truth that is in His Word. He wants me to live out of reality. So it has been a process of aligning myself with what the Bible and God say about Truth and exposing where I have believed a lie about reality. It has brought alot of freedom to my life, the ability to know truth is so freeing.

If you want to know more about what I am learning about just shoot me a message and I will most definitely get back to you.

I currently have two more months left in Perth, then I will be shooting off to Mexico City. The BSN is actually splitting up into three teams: one team in Mexico City and two teams in Asia.

On these Outreaches we will be holding seminars in which we teach a Biblical Worldview to Pastors and church leaders. Alot of places in Asia are so thirsty for Biblical training but they have no where to find it. We are sending teams to two places that will supply this need to these passionate leaders.

See the fifth country listed in these stats. That is the nation that one of our teams is going into. (Keep in mind that those stats are from the 90's and now it is believed that that country is the biggest Christian nation in the world by numbers.) The people in that nation are so passionate for Jesus but they lack depth in their knowledge of who God is and practical ways to apply the Bible. They are very hungry for Biblical teaching and are eagerly awaiting teachers. These seminars will help grow the foundation in Asia. That we might see the underground church rise above and bring transformation.

I am personally really excited to see these teams go into these tough non-reached areas and really see the Gospel brought and God's truth planted in Asia. God is doing big things in Asia and we need to see more people going into these nations and more prayer invested into these people who are so passionate about Jesus.

 The Mexico City team, where I will be heading, is partnering with the Megacities ministry hear at YWAM Perth. This is deifnitely an amazing ministry that sees alot of transformation and fruit where they go. Their vision is to go into a 'mega city' and partner with the local church to equip them with training, evangelism, and mercy ministries for 12 months. The cities they have done in the past are:

Hyderabad, India
Durban, South Africa
Cairo, Eygpt
Jakarta, Indonesia

Check out the statistics and testimonies of these cities here.

And now it's Mexico's turn.

The statistics of the last cities Megacities have been in are impressive but Mexico will go above and beyond in 2010. All of the YWAM bases in North and South America have committed to sending teams to Mexico during these 12 months, along with YWAM international and the non-YWAM body of Christ sending in teams aswell. Along with this, the Government and local Church in Mexico City is on board with us aswell and very excited. Protestant and Catholic Churches alike are coming together in this great initiative to bring transformation to this city. The unity that we will see in Mexico City will be like none other. It is already looking to be the biggest missions movement the world has seen.

So that is where my school and I are heading. We are currently trusting God for around $54,000 Aussie dollars. I myself need around $3,000 for the trip to Mexico.

If you would like to partner with me and give financially that would be a huge blessing to me. Shoot me a message and I will give you more information or answer any questions you may have.

There are some different ways you can donate, so I will give you the options below if you are considering it,

*Online at the YWAM Perth website.
*Send it in the mail with some Rees Peanut Buttercup's to:
c/o Mike Holmlund
PO Box 8501 Perth Business Centre,
Western Australia, 6849, Australia
*Or you could write a Cheque or drop some cash over to 506 Brightsand Crescent (my parents' abode) and they can drop it into my account.

Well thanks for everything guys, I love you all a whole bunch and think your pretty great. I can't wait to come back home and hang out with you guys in April. I'm bringing my South African friend back home with me so that'll be sweet. I miss you guys, much love, PEACE.

(He is currently dating a girl that he met when Matt and I worked with him in Cape Town, South Africa. They met at YWAM Perth, Australia. Cute couple.)

Mexico City


Drawing of Mike at the cross (I did) during April lecture phase

The Mikey and The Jeanie

December 8, 2009

Black soil: The culture shock continues.


Humbled by the hope hunting me down
I cannot fathom life without it nor escape its impossibleness.

Im-a mess.
Im cruel and Im selfish.
I am vengful in my weakness
I cannot repent as far as the east is from the west.

Its not that I am discouraged at my inablity.
Its my want and desire to save the world myself that I am ashamed of.

Taking the attention away from where it belongs.
My heart is broken for entire nations..
as I serve communion, look-into-those-eyes, and say..
"Christ blood shed for you"
one set of eyes
at a time.
This. This is community.

Solomn and serious glares backmy way.
subtle tears

flashing pictures through my head
we called them
though they were one step closer the the cup
the little ones couldnt get enough

We say our churches are apathetic and sleeping
I wonder how the enemy is slowly
Influencing us to be the
attackers to our oppressors and misrepresentors.

There is a choice between influence and obedience.
I refuse to cross those tracks
I will not be subdued into easy reaction
I will not attack others because they do not agree or understand

It hurts me more than being right.
It hurts me more than having the last word
It hurts me that though I have scared over the years
and spoke on trecherous eggshell conversation
in the shadow of judgment and unrest
brought on by others 
that have misrepresented my God..

I cannot be like him in my humanity, in my very nature
though I can choose to overcome and endure
confident in the grace of hope and character
as he is my example

Peace like a lamb
it hunts me down like a lion
and tackles my heart like a gentle father
with his kids.

* * * * * * *

Culture shock back home continues.
I wrote this thismorning. After having read and seen so many, so-many-many Christians be hateful towards their peers and fellow-believers. Not just one instance but many. Why? In this country more than any other I have personally experienced. Why? In our 'culture of indepence' pushing us to be 'right' all the time why do we give in to the temptation and aggravation? Sure defend yourself, be bold in what you believe... but speak the truth in love.

Those that attack non-believers: Christians; I feel like we are so often wasting our time with people that really could care less with what we believe and actually agueing with them (I myself have stumbed into this),.. and instead of respecting their stories, valuing them as individuals, seeing them in their potential despite their short-comings we would perfer to call 'sin'.  Yes, sin is sin. All of us seem to have a different gauge of that anymore, and that gives us oppertunity to learn from those that we dont agree with theologically. I have met, and know soo many grace filled, gentle, kind, servant-hearted, and non-judgmental people --that do not believe in Christ as their Lord and Savior. Often they have said in front of me "Steph is one of the first christians that I have met
that doesnt have a hidden agenda" or "I can be talk to her about my (non)beliefs because I know that she respects where I am coming from." But even as we build relationship with believers and non-believers alike and challenge our friends as they challenge us we still struggle with seeing them beyond their sin. Why? And dont even tell me that everyone but you is a Pharasee, dont let the enemy twist the words of the bible like he can so easily

For those that attack believers: First Christians that attack fellow Christians. Yes I understand that we need to discuss the issues that are going on around us and not be apathetic. What is the difference between aphathy, slander, gossip, anger, bitterness, malice, strife and awareness, truth, love, grace, forgiveness, understanding, long-suffering, affection, care, etc. The difference at its source is we need to ask ourselves about our attitudes. Ex: 'why am I talking about this right now, is it going to help this person grow in their faith, am I be Christ-like in my example?' More than that even, 'Am I showing this person that I value them as a human being first and formost?' I hope you understand what I am saying here. Ultimately we are misrepresenting Christ. We need to value people more than we value being 'right'. Again, I say 'we' because I know that in time of haste and reaction I have been here too.

Secondly, non-believers who attack christians. One can tell when a christian has a hidden agenda to selfishly convert 'another one'.. right? I agree; when one person is making another human being a 'project' its discusting. But I challenge you, Christians see the reverse of this too. I dont mean civilized theological discussion, I mean outright attacks on character and belief to possibly convince a 'reverse-conversion.' Underneath all our pride and selfishness we are people too. When you throw out sharp words we bleed too. I feel like people have forgotten this. Friends of mine know better of me. For me, its almost always total strangers (sometimes people that dont know me that well) that attack my beliefs. They say things like "christians are ignorant, bigots, neive, backwards, don't know whats really in the bible, their God is not real, they're dumb for believing he is, and must not be open-minded if they are not willing to change when facts a presented."  Variaties of people at times mock the core of our beliefs which indirectly burns too, because for most of us core strings are attached to the heart. Some of you see what Im saying especially during this time of year. 
Yes, as I have already acknowleged. Christians fail, we stumble, we fall, sin, lie, cheat, steal... we have been horrible examples. We have been horrible examples of Christ... though we are called to imatate him in our character. Many of us are close-minded, ignorant... etc. and history confirms it from the Crusades, to international slavery of Africans all over the globe, to every louder-than-life tele-evagelist, to that over-zealous uncle or preacher who outright misrepresented humanity -let alone his/her beliefs. I am sorry. Honestly, it hurts me alot to see my faith so sorely mis-represented... and I feel the burden of expectation all the more.

In finishing, I want to say that although I feel apologitic for the misrepresentation of my beliefs by me or others I am not ashamed or profess to know it all about God or the bible. I do admit that the hope that have had through my freedom to choose a unconditionally-loving relationship with God has inspired me to share. He didn't force his love, his word, or himself in anyway on me.. so by that example if you want to talk about it we can, if you don't we won't.  If you disagree with what you think I believe, or see me messing up royally,.. lets sit down and have a coffee (only cause the internet is to impersonal). Caution- Im a little sensitive and a little passionate,.. so lets take it slow. 'Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.'


MORE CHRISTIAN ART. New article coming soon.
Below: Don't knock it. This is a past student of mine so I am partial. I really miss teaching, and ministry in general... being effeciant at serving others.. not just doing 'whatever'.

Used by permission. By Sami Burke, 2009, Grade 7

For More Christian Art "Article 1" click here,