
August 23, 2010

Mexico City: More Photos!

A beautiful bush outside the School.
It rains alot this time of year in Mexico City. At least once a day; sometimes misting
5 minutes sometimes down pouring for several hours. Because the streets are so grungy and gritty,
the reflective puddles and still-dripping trees spring a feeling of 'new life' all over.
This IS a beautiful city....

Getting there... Painting murals as a team at the Deaf School.

Matt Julia... the newbie from Arizona. I told him if I could tell the world one thing
about himself to put on our blog what would it be?

Answer: "I just woke up, my brains not workn'... just say what ever you want to say because.." (mumbles) 

Other Snippets from this week:

Shelly: the leader of our team. Leader, meaning she does our budget (pictured here),
communicates with locals and translators on behalf of our team, and many other things that
just keep us on task of the over-all big picture. Many new people can find the schedule a
little grueling after a while, or having a budget done 'for you' a little over managing... but after
doing this for a few weeks - we are all happy and privileged to have such a chill
and easy-going leader like Shelly.  She does her 'job', and generally makes our 'job' much easier!

Mexican Money: Peso's.... Looks like alot but its not. 

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