
November 14, 2008

Soo what are you guys doing again?

From YWAM site.
The first step in our journey. . .

description from the web site
To know God and make Him known is the core value of our DTS. Be ruined for the ordinary! This is the gateway course to the international family of YWAM, come join us. Be challenged in your relationship with God, find your purpose in the Great Commission, and embark with us on the adventure!
A Discipleship Training School is all about knowing God more and making him known. It’s an opportunity to meet with God in a unique, dynamic and transformational way. DTS includes a 3 month lecture phase and a 3 month outreach overseas. Each week of the lecture phase, local and international speakers focus on topics such as: the fatherheart of God, forgiveness and repentance, the nature and character of God, missions, hearing God's voice and intercession. As a MediaReach DTS, we will also spotlight issues of worldview, creativity and Christlike communication throughout the school as well. With YWAM training it’s all about personal application, not just amassing knowledge, it’s about how does this truth affect the way I live my life? The DTS includes not only classroom lectures, but regular times of worship and prayer, small group discussion, one-on-one discipleship, hands-on serving on base, weekly outreach in the city... and lots of fun community life!

As for outreach, imagine using your gifts and passion for media to creatively share God’s love with people. A MediaReach DTS outreach could include sharing your story with university students in urban China. How about not only documenting but getting involved first hand in what God is doing in bringing transformation to a megacity? How about creating a website incorporating videos, photos and articles by your classmates to creatively and contextually introduce people to the love of Christ? How about linking with others who are using media to reach the nations? Professional photographers in missions, filmmakers raising awareness of social injustice, artists creating visual narratives to reach indigenous cultures, web designers serving in frontier media… get introduced to an array of opportunities to use your gifts for God! It’s about sharing the love of Christ with people through our lives and through the “voices” of the gifts God’s given us. So whether you’re a graphic designer, a photographer, a journalist, a film buff, an IT whiz, a screenwriter, whatever… just someone with a love for creative communication… if you’re passionate about knowing God more and making him known creatively, MediaReach DTS may be just your thing! Whether your camera is a $3 disposable or the latest digital SLR, whether you're hopeless at checking your e-mail or whether you're coding in your sleep, whether you've been a Christian a month or a lifetime, it’s not about skills or qualifications, it’s about growing with God and letting him use you as a voice to the nations.All experience and skill backgrounds welcome! It’s not about being the most skilled or the most qualified. A key passage about being called to communicate to the nations is Jeremiah 1:4-9.The word of the Lord came to me (Jeremiah), saying, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” “Ah, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “ Now, I have put my words in your mouth…”Don’t look at your “inadequacy,” just step out and obey God. Live the adventure!Expect to encounter God, expect to be challenged and encouraged, expect to be used by God!

1 comment:

  1. Steph... I have the opportunity to create a kids room for a sunday school room... its a blank canvas... I have some thoughts and you are the only one I would want to process something like this with! Call me or email me ( soon!

    Love and Blessings to You and Matt!
