
June 5, 2009

quick note:

Sorry guys I have not wrote a whole lot on here, we have been trying to concentrate on emails because we have been so limited on time. We practically work, study, and research 6 days out of the week,.. and sunday is alot of recovery and reflection for our journals. Good stuff.

If you have seen our 'face book' we leave for CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA THE 28TH.

HERE IS AN EMAIL I was just sent from the director of our local base here in Perth, Australia.

Greetings from YWAM Perth!

I believe we are about to witness extraordinary happenings on the earth through very normal, “ordinary” people.

Peter, Jesus’ disciple, appeared to be the least likely to champion a cause. He was an ordinary fisherman who didn’t always catch fish but filled with the Holy Spirit he saw 3000 become believers, went on many missionary trips, and shaped a movement known as the church—which is spreading rapidly.

Earlier this week I sat down to read an email I had just received from a young student with the Discipleship Training School (DTS) on outreach in South Africa. He and a fellow student were out in the community walking the streets and praying when he saw a drunken man in pain. He had bad hip and back pain, they asked if they could pray for him. He said yes, so they eagerly began to pray and the man was healed. Another man in the same community saw what had happened and wanted prayer too. This man’s back was injured so they began praying for him and he was also healed. He asked them if they could come to his house to pray for his mother. He was explaining that she was crippled with arthritis and blind. As they prayed for this man’s mother she could move her body around and she was immediately healed of her arthritis—she could walk again. They continued to pray and her left eye was healed. As they prayed again her right eye was healed too! An amazing story, don’t you think?

I share it because God used two young people who had no experience in prayer ministry. They simply responded to need and God did the rest. He used two ordinary, inexperienced people to bring His healing power to a community in South Africa.

We don’t have to be big and powerful or the world’s greatest expert in a field; all we need to do is get involved. God made us to be and do our part.

Remember the boy who took on the giant warrior? It is in 1 Samuel 17, his name is David and the giant was Goliath. The odds of David winning that fight were hugely stacked against him. Picture the best of Israel’s army “paralyzed” with fear on the side line and little David standing beside them with no “real warrior” fighting weapons or protection, just a slingshot and a few stones. He would have looked like he was about to commit suicide or hugely annoy a giant and then be killed. But we all know it was different to that, wasn’t it?

God took this little guy David’s loyalty and faith, powered his little slingshot to super sonic velocity, and killed a giant. Who was he? Just an ordinary teenager, loyal to an extraordinary God! Young David only saw God. He acted because of the God he knew. By what standard do we measure our lives? David measured his life by the greatest, most powerful standard of ALL—God.

God asks a question in Isaiah 6:8 – “Who shall I send, who will go for us?” Isaiah overheard God saying “Who will go for us?” He volunteered, “Here I am, send me.” It’s really as simple as that to do things with God.

My prayer is that we hear our marching orders from God; that we do not allow our “size” to be a limitation in attempting great things for God. I’ll be praying that God’s mighty power will enable you to do exceedingly above what you have hoped or ever expected.

Thank you for being such incredible friends. We love to receive your mail. Many thanks for those who have been able to write and encourage us. It is a huge privilege to hear what you are doing and how God is leading you. If there is anyway we can help you, please contact us and we will do our best to serve you.


Shirley Brownhill
YWAM Perth

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