
June 9, 2009

put on your armor

Since the blog has been a little jumpy so I started emailing more.

By the way this weeks study material is spiritual warfare. (if you don't know what that is read Eph. 6 for the inside track)

PRAYER POINTS: BASIC Practical- prayer points for Cape Town:

*AIDS crisis is still devastating the nation, and continent.

*'Apartheid' repercussions. This is like slavery in the US. Equal rights movement but in South Africa the freedom was only given to blacks in the 80's! So, the era we in the US went through in the 50's and 60's (with Martin Luther King.. and Rosa Parks) is what they are going through right now. Pray that our team would even influence the Christian's to love one another equally, and trust that in our diversity -as one body- there is strength.

*Huffing in really really popular among teenagers in the city.

Basic Practical Prayers for our Team: We have found out that we will be staying in churches and partnering with them with different ministries that we will soon be learning about. The 28th is when we will be leaving... whoa who! There are 3 DTS's leaving to go to Capetown. A regular DTS, a Media DTS, and a Surfers DTS. About 60 people in all. We have been divided into smaller groups with about 7-10 people per group including a couple leaders. Pray for our leaders. We will be coming in and taking the place of other groups that are there working now.We as a whole team are still waiting on 1/3 of the Gods provision (financially) to go.. its coming in rapidly but the miracle is most of it at this point people have no definite idea where it could come from. Our finances are due the 10th. God is amazing. We did some car washes this weekend and are waiting to hear back on how all those went. We have a promotional video for our team on YouTube and we also did some graphic designs for a website that people can buy things at T-shirts and Thermos bottles and a lot of awesome stuff!! SPIRITUAL REALM direct battle prayer points. Relationships!

Matt and I,.. and our team... our 'family'--- We have felt God show us that he wants to hit the ground running and really just be whole hearted from the get-go. Ready to discern what he is calling us to do and just DO IT. We are expecting mountains to move and miracles to happen, divine appointments etc. Our heart right now is to allow God to be at the center of what we do, that we would just be the tools- the 'hands and feet'. And totally if you feel like God tells you ANYTHING... a scripture, a word,.. please pass it along. It is awesome seeing the body moving together in force from such a distance. Everyone is dependant on God in this scenario. You guys, and everyone else 'at home'. Matt and I. Our individual teams and our team as a whole. The churches we're working with.

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