
January 3, 2009


So Matt and I, and his creative cousin Mark visited some friends in Pittsburgh for New Years Eve. (Happy New Year by the way!) We braved the treacherous icy roads to see this view and take these picture(s). For those of you that don’t know- Pittsburgh is a hilly city, and Pennsylvania roads can be incredibly neglected. Thank you fearless-McDaniel for driving, and thanks Ollie n’ Mark fo tha warm socks. Otherwise a very chill and late New Years eve, nice to hang out with such unique and interesting people.
When you are leaving the country, and/or looking to move, its hard to say goodbye and every visit/opportunity is crucial and not to be taken for granted.
Note to self: Don’t ever forget how cool, down to earth Donny, Ollie, and Mark are. (Bracken, Elise, Dusty and Oh sh’ you rock too)

There is a tree outside our apartment window that caught my eye. A branch on it looks like it was previously a broken limb, because it has does a perfectly straight 90 degree turn. Granted the tree is a genuine ugly betty year round; its kinda beautiful because of the crook. The crook in its trunk that can only be seen this; the harshest time of the year. Such is life, and where Matt and I feel that we are.
I’ve noticed that idea or feeling seems to be the general consciences of many people in the out-look of 2009.
Romans 5:3-5 ..we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. . . And hope does not disappoint us because (paraphrased>) we know that it is an opportunity to draw nearer to God and , the source of all our hope. Circumstances are out of our control, but as the cliché’ phase goes ‘whatever doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.’

Hence here are the opportunities for God to work in our weakness:
1. Saying goodbye to our friends, and family L
2. Getting laid off from my job 3 months before we leave for our DTS, including bumps in the road with unemployment.
- watching the restaurant I poured my heart into close; and the best bosses I’ve ever had, dreams filter away.
3. Living in chaos, piles of things everywhere; organizing and finding places to store everything we own.
4. Being ahead in all of our plans for 2 years and now all of a sudden being behind.
5. Grateful for the enormous amount of financial gifts, but still looking for more long-term supporters. (trying not to worry)
6. We only have 3 months left. Which at times can be a little intimidating.

What we are doing (beyond prayer):
1. Taking up extra opportunities to see our friends/family,
and authentically letting them know how much we value their relationships.
2. Pulling back our personal expenses, and being wiser about our money. Trusting God to provide, without hoarding.
3. Continuing to test our character by realistically getting rid of stuff we don’t need, opportunities to donate and bless others.
4. Persevering ahead, and doing what we can every day to get to do, and go where we feel God has called us.
5. Working on our discipline and as a result our health by becoming vegetarians (something we have been praying over all 2008)
1. To have everything packed in storage boxes and mostly sorted by the end of the week - secondary benefit; getting rid of distractions from our vision and goals (using our time together off wisely- thankful for our circumstances)
2. Having the last of our paperwork faxed to YWAM, Perth by the end of the week. Including all of our references.
3. Sending in our visas and buying our plane tickets by the end of the month.
4. Mission support application for our church finished by the end of the week.
5. Finding possible part-time work.
1. Matt - Finishing music EP CD, make copies- to possibly sell.
2. Steph - Finishing a Painting series for Art show/Sale before we leave, and artwork for Matt’s CD.
3. Copy music/important pictures to our MP3 player/flash drive. Back up hard drive programs/documents.
4. Finishing Painting the apartment as a gift to our landlords (currently ¾ done)

Thank you for all your help, storage and travel stuff this Christmas, everyone-- please leave a message after the beep………………………………............... BEEeeeeeP!

1 comment:

  1. aw, thanks for all the kind words. it was really great seeing you guys.

    both of those photos are beautiful!
