
March 20, 2011

Our Place 2011

Yes this is our place. It isn't much but its where we gonna live fo a while. Down the road we would like to do more to make it "our home". 
Australian vocab word of the day: 'FLAT' - As in "Welcome to our flat."
   Flat - Aussie Apartment. Most of the time these are an everyday small to mid-sized apartments. But called both names by YWAMers who seem to have a sub-culture of our own vocab.                                                                                                                                                 

ABOVE: Our Kitchen/Dining room. We are lucky to have those Kitchen cupboards. Although for as much as we eat at the base there isn't as much a need for them. But they are nice for storage for future cookie making and funky coffee mugs and such.
The table came with the flat (left) with those nice chairs I got off the curb of a office building. Free--Oh yeah!
We have coffee together quite often, whilst reading, blogging, and writing to people home.. wish each of you had just a few moments at the chair on the other side. Miss you!

And those stools to the right I got at a thrift-salvage yard. One thing I have learned is Yard sales may not be the popular thing here, but recycling and upcycling is-- And that makes my little vitage color palette happy.

 BELOW: Turn the corner and your in the bedroom, blink and you might miss the living room, (containing the 80's black pleather  back-sweat enducing goodness couch. haha) 

ABOVE: After this photo was taken we gave up on the -not-to-be-reassembled- bed frame. After several moments of falling through it.. Frustrating yet comical in the middle of the night.
LEFT: Oh joy.. storage! At this point most of it is hanging storage so we would like to make it more practical by adding some shelving when we get a spare day. **Its currently filled with suitcases and several students suitcases --When all the newbies figure out they're over weight then... why not provide a way. 

LAST but not least to ever be taken fo granted when in YWAM especially (community living). A bathroom, aka: 'the toilet'.  In North America we say "Im going to the bathroom -Ill be right back." Here its- "Goin' to the toilet, be back in a sec." Toilet referring to the room not the piece of porcelain you make your sacrifice toBELOW: Just a little extra. This is the park outside our window. As viewed from the other side of the park. Ive walked through it quite a few times.. but haven't had a chance to hang out in it much
 Beautiful Ain't it?

Oh! and just for fun as a new reference: Our old apartment in the States -- the last time we had our own space 2008!! (notice the camera quality difference too!)


Featured Christian Artist: DAN CROOK-
^^listen to his music on his site^^


And Just a reminder:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. - Ps 46

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