
March 26, 2011

Producing a magazine equals hard work

One of the most time intensive prints that we as the Media Department produce.
I spent the last six months, and an over-night dedicated shift to get it finished, printed, and passed out before all of our students/volunteers left. 
Last week, because various vitals of our computer systems, I had the privilege of trying to catch up on several weeks worth of work before Tuesday night. Because of more complications slowing up the process.. I was getting the final approval eight-ish the next morning... no sleep... but not ready to give up. They were sent to the printers..  and because I chose to wait for the proof I slept on the floor of the office until I knew I could be done for the day. SO by Thursday -- lucky me (or not so lucky me) my stomach felt it necessary to accumulate the stress of it all too.. - and I was sick and outta-commission for a whole 'nother 24 hours.

Why all this commitment? Perseverance?

Well to be honest. Every time I see one of these finished.. I ask myself again and am all the more propelled into inspiration to not give up. Each of these teams has a story. Each of them has seen amazing things happen through the training they have received through YWAM Perth. Lets give em more than a yearbook, more than a magazine, more than a few facebook updates to take with them to the next season...
 Above, the photo of the first page of the Doctors Reaching School space. The DRS projects health professionals into an international service career. The aim is to see teams of heathcare workers investing in communities, imparting life-giving skills, establishing new works among the poor and bringing transformation through truth into nations.

A Quote from this Chapter:
 'In Dadeldhura, Nepal, we went hiking up and down two mountains to do a mobile medical clinic in a remote village. We were able to serve 140 patients. It was such a privilege to serve people in such a practical way.'

This is the why. We don't just want to leave those stories behind, because behind 
every one of those numbers and memories is the face of someone that was served.

Thank you Beth, Bethany, and Josh for your support, designing those last nights while helping my brain stay awake and organized!Thank you Elli for showing me the ropes, Jordan for the weeks leading up to the final.. and PS. the cover was designed by Bethany H. Photo taken by Ally.. 

More posts about "the Chapter".

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Jam 1:4

March 21, 2011

Unforgettable faces

People we will miss...
In the volunteer line of work we are in.. We see heaps of people come and go every three months. Every three months a new crew comes in.. and we get to see them grow as they are trained and we get to stand with them as they go out to countries all over the earth. This time... Mexico street outreach, Thailand outreach, Bali training,.. Eastern Australia flood relief... Aussie Outback ...

We will miss you October Quarter 2010.

Fun times...
Far off lands they came from
 and went

American, South African, Aussie

they arrived as fast as they went.. each giving us memories along the way

in numbers great and small...

March 20, 2011

Our Place 2011

Yes this is our place. It isn't much but its where we gonna live fo a while. Down the road we would like to do more to make it "our home". 
Australian vocab word of the day: 'FLAT' - As in "Welcome to our flat."
   Flat - Aussie Apartment. Most of the time these are an everyday small to mid-sized apartments. But called both names by YWAMers who seem to have a sub-culture of our own vocab.                                                                                                                                                 

ABOVE: Our Kitchen/Dining room. We are lucky to have those Kitchen cupboards. Although for as much as we eat at the base there isn't as much a need for them. But they are nice for storage for future cookie making and funky coffee mugs and such.
The table came with the flat (left) with those nice chairs I got off the curb of a office building. Free--Oh yeah!
We have coffee together quite often, whilst reading, blogging, and writing to people home.. wish each of you had just a few moments at the chair on the other side. Miss you!

And those stools to the right I got at a thrift-salvage yard. One thing I have learned is Yard sales may not be the popular thing here, but recycling and upcycling is-- And that makes my little vitage color palette happy.

 BELOW: Turn the corner and your in the bedroom, blink and you might miss the living room, (containing the 80's black pleather  back-sweat enducing goodness couch. haha) 

ABOVE: After this photo was taken we gave up on the -not-to-be-reassembled- bed frame. After several moments of falling through it.. Frustrating yet comical in the middle of the night.
LEFT: Oh joy.. storage! At this point most of it is hanging storage so we would like to make it more practical by adding some shelving when we get a spare day. **Its currently filled with suitcases and several students suitcases --When all the newbies figure out they're over weight then... why not provide a way. 

LAST but not least to ever be taken fo granted when in YWAM especially (community living). A bathroom, aka: 'the toilet'.  In North America we say "Im going to the bathroom -Ill be right back." Here its- "Goin' to the toilet, be back in a sec." Toilet referring to the room not the piece of porcelain you make your sacrifice toBELOW: Just a little extra. This is the park outside our window. As viewed from the other side of the park. Ive walked through it quite a few times.. but haven't had a chance to hang out in it much
 Beautiful Ain't it?

Oh! and just for fun as a new reference: Our old apartment in the States -- the last time we had our own space 2008!! (notice the camera quality difference too!)


Featured Christian Artist: DAN CROOK-
^^listen to his music on his site^^


And Just a reminder:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. - Ps 46

March 12, 2011

Japan Earthquake : Help and Hope

Japan was tragically struck with one of the most powerful earthquakes since records of earthquakes began. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake triggered a massive tsunami. The results are devastating, the deaths are so far in the hundreds.

ONE way of the many -- safe and convenient ways to donate money and help Japan would be the Red Cross. You can
 look up your country here to donate internationally, or donate quickly through the American Red Cross Page.

March 9, 2011

Camp Adventuring and Mentoring

Matt middle back. Shelly lower left. Both in black tees.

Here is his testimony:

"So after some car trouble and a couple wrong turns -which made us a couple hours late- Shelly and I finally made the 2 hour drive south to the Mornington Adventure Camp where we were to work with grade 7 students. The camp was located way out in the middle of no where  with sheep grazing on the surrounding hills and Kangaroos hoping all over the place.  

After we had a quick lunch we got right into the activities with the kids. 

The kids split into two groups of about 25 and went to two separate events. One was raft building down at the river and the other was the “Flying Fox” Shelly and I went there. The flying fox was  a zip line  you sat in that launched you from a tree house and sent you soaring down through the woods.  This thing was a real blast! I spent the next two hours at the far end helping the kinds out of the seat after their ride came to a stop. During this time I had  great opportunities chatting with and getting to know them. Some stood down there with me taking photos of the other kids as they went flying by. We talked about movies, tv shows, music, video games and what life was like where I was from.   As  Shelly and I switched ends and I assisted from the top side, the kids soon made a circle around me.  It seemed that we were already connecting on a deeper level. I don’t know why…..but Jesus has given me some special ability to reach kids ranging from 10 – 14. I don’t feel like I do anything special……In fact I feel like I don’t really do enough…….but for some reason…..they flock to me.  I could tell this was going to be a great camp.

Next   the kids had some free time until dinner.  This time I mostly spent in the gymnasium playing “Knock out” -A basketball type of game. As they yelled and played I thought to myself, ‘these kids have not yet been spoiled by the world and their parents still greatly influencing them’.   A lot of these kids do NOT come from 'the most nurturing' back rounds even though they were in a Private school.  You could almost see their parents controlling their speech with some si-fi  looking remote miles and miles away. They were too young to hate- as much as their mouths were spilling. One young  boy came from a home where my country was not thought of too highly.  I did not want to spend the whole camp with a wall between him and I. And to be honest it hurt to hear what was actually coming out of his mouth. Finally with a slightly stern voice I took him aside and we had a very constructive conversation. I wanted him to know that we could be friends if we put our nationalities aside and just looked at each other as human beings. We ended up being good buds for the rest of the camp, still poking at our different accents.

At dinner time the staff all sat together at the same table.  Shelly and I quickly made friends with these teachers from Grace Christian School.  One practically interesting fellow was Nev. He was the schools Chaplin. We could tell straight away that this was a man worthy to be honored. He had a heart for what was right and good for this next generation. 
After dinner, Shelly, Nev and I walked down to the soccer field to pray over the nights teaching time.   I sat there for the first few moments in awe of the beautiful Australian country side.  As  the setting sun’s beams  blasted through a thin row of pine trees on the outer edge of the the playing field 3 kangaroos joyfully bounced into and out of the sun light setting a tone. I was so touched in that time I had to wipe the tears from my eyes before we walked back up the stairs we knew something amazing was gonna happen tonight in those kids hearts.

The first couple hours of the night we spent playing team building games and relay races in the gym. It was fun, loud and over the top. All this lead into Nev’s teaching.  The message was about the power our words carry. How God SPOKE us in to existence and how we can speak life or death into each other’s lives.  7 kids dedicated to know God more, and 7 rededicated to live that out better.  I had a thrill and an honor to lead these guys through this time of Q and A of the practicality of it all. 
After we finally split and the kids went to bed I decided to grab my flash light and walk down to the soccer field to gaze at the stars. As I shined my light down onto the field I saw 30+ kangaroos grazing in the night time air. These funny creatures  act a lot like white tail deer. Staring dumb founded into a man made beam of light which made me chuckle. J  For the next half hour or so I sat down there on the stairs gazing up at the stars and occasionally flicking on my flashlight to look at the “Roos” grazing in the field. I was in awe of the  amazing painting brushed across the sky for me. The stars in the southern hemisphere are  absolutely breathtaking!  

      As I reflected on the days events I could only imagine what the next day had in store."

Apparently it went well.. so.. yeah watch out for more of this as he is Joining Nexwave a ministry here on Base.

March 7, 2011

Fundraiser - an opportunity to serve others

Originally called the Primanti Brothers Sandwich,.. this is our Aussy version.:
Anyone who has spent time in Pittsburgh probably has heard of Primanti Bros. The historic sandwich shop has been making its trademark fried-potatoes-and-coleslaw-topped sandwich since 1933. 

Why a "Pittsburgh style Sandwich"?
Its quite interesting how far away from home you have to get to realize what you represent to the people around you. Matt and I are Americans, Pennsylvanians, brought up in the country so a little homegrown. Its an odd thing actually. So in praying about how to do a fundraiser.. We asked 'what do we have to give?'  We were reminded of what we already bring.. "Why start over when we are already standing on the shoulders of those that have come before us. "- Buck McGirr, speaking last Friday on 'honor' in exchange of 'pride filled independence'. 

SO- Fun food will hopefully honor those that we are serving, and represent the ol'school tastes of the state we are from. Its a risk.. but its a risk from our hearts... hopefully our 'good intentions' will turn out to be more than just that -good intentions.

Pittsburgh Photos

Angled Image of  Georgetown DC Alleyway

Pittsburgh's Great Fountain and the Golden Triangle Picture

My favorite coffee shop atmosphere! The Vintage-Punk-Chic "Beehive"

Cool links I found while looking for photos:
POP-ART about Pittsburgh

Photos from our beautiful Pennsylvania - home town.

The courthouse.
photo by tim huffman 1
Ally Mural Downtown

photo by tim huffman  2

Main Street
photo by tim huffman  3

Franklin - Beautiful Downtown Franklin, Pennsylvania
author unknown

The fountain

photo by tim huffman  4

The Park Matt and I always went to..
