
November 12, 2011

Goodbye Grammy

Goodbye Gram. And it is a  'good' bye from this end.

I was at birthday picnic/breakfast for an artist friend of mine, Marsha, when I got a phone call. Josh Hanna was on the other end with an unusually somber voice. "Steph the base just got a call, there is a family emergency and you need to call your parents, or the Hamms." Even though the time difference is 13 hours I am incredibly grateful that I got to hear so fast no just for my sake but for my family that had to ultimately deliever the news.

The first thing that came to my mind was "Gram". Gram has had on going health problems on and off for the last several years (only in her 60's), complicated by one of the highest amount of cigarettes ratio per day her doctor had ever seen on top of a pain medication addiction. The situation was complicated to say the least.

I love my Gram, but the last several times I saw her I prepared my heart, because it may have been the last time I would.  
Gram and Me March 2010
When I was little, I spent most of my life living with my mom, brother, and Gram. For a great chunk of that time Gram acted as an extra parent when my mom was at one of her jobs. Mom often had more than one at a time, doing the best she could to provide for our home, and family. 

Gram got us up for school alot of the time. After we were all dressed and boots were on in the winter, she would open the blinds turn on the cartoons, usually Transformers or something like that in the early 90's era. Then she would bring us oatmeal before we had to leave to meet the bus. 

When we came home from school, Shawn (my brother) would go to his room to play video games, start his homework, or go outside if it was nice. I remember often I (or both of us) would go to the kitchen, sit on a stool, and she would have the chocolate milk ready. -Yes Hersheys syrup, to all you non-Americans- Later as I got older it was coffee. Chocolate and coffee should always remind us of our grams. What a sweet thought. She had hers as strong as she could get it with a lil milk. I know this because at time when she had sprained her ankle, I was destined to learn how to make percolated coffee.

After dinner sometimes she would bring us bowls of Neapolitan, or Chocolate and peanut-butter-swirl ice cream. She would be the one to turn the light on, and worry it wasnt bright enough -to prevent us from straining our eyes for what ever reason. Or if either of us fell asleep doing our homework or watching a movie, she was the one to find a blanket 'just in case'.

Our house was out in the middle of the country on the side of a slow sloping mountain hill. Tiger lilies separated it from the road, and bird feeders hung from the trees.  Her hobbies when I was little were the bird feeders, her gardens around the house, and potted plants inside the house. There were times we would sit on the porch for hours, because she knew what the essence of 'chill' meant, and it was about the only place we could sit in the open air (because cigarettes and my asthma didnt mix) and hang out. During school seasons I would tell her about my day, and friends. Many of them liked her quirky personality and cheeky smile, a couple even called her gram - and I was happy to share. When I was older we would talk about my job. Although she would forget almost all the details of my stories, she would often remember the subjects in them, and ask later how so-an-so was doing or what was going on. She would always be quick to take a side against injustice or struggle, whether she rightfully understood the whole situation or not. Like I said she was quirky, and funny. When she was stressed or upset her voice would crack, so the combination of her serious side and a squeeky voice would always lighten the moment... and allow us to laugh together in hard times. Whats funny is she would get stressed on your behalf even if you were ok. That was the sweetest side of her.

I know there is so much more sweet stuff I could share, but Im gonna have to stop there, because although there have been some good times, the shock of her being gone, the distance I am from home, and the hard times can have a flood of condemnation that follows. I have to remember that we did everything we personally could handle to do, and did we could in the time that we had.

Gram and Me on the porch March 2010.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed, consoled, and helped with and for our family over the last few years.Those of you that have served Gram, cared for her, and did what you could especially in this season.

September 24, 2011

Our Teams, Nexwave and Media, 2011

Focused on local youth of Perth and the surrounding suburbs.

These guys are invited into local high schools both public and private to speak on anti-violence/ bullying, peer to peer and family relationships, while doing basic mentoring/discipleship and community service with them.

They also host, and staff different camps throughout the year. These are a variety of camps whether they are a service camp that the school itself is hosting and nexwave is staffing... the students get the opportunity to serve the elderly, disabled, and 3rd world countries in need not far from our borders. Other camps include the opportunity to learn how to value themselves in light of Gods love for them.. Its amazing really what happens in and through these teens in the course of a week or two in either kind of camp.

Joe, Texas USA - Leader

Jenny, Ohio USA -Leader

Miriam, France - Leader (no photo)

Amber, Saskatchewan Canada

Matt, PA USA (of course, and yes we are the only state that refer to ourselves in acronym)

Sarah, WA Australia

Luke, United Kingdom (Part time also in Media)

Sharon, Vancouver Canada

Johanna, Wales/Canada

Josh, Gold Coast Australia

Dave, Kansas USA

Patrick, Switzerland (Engaged to BETH below)

A story:
We had so much fun! The 4 days of games were ridiculous, lots of running, sweating, and getting dirty. There were dodge ball sessions, and epic exercise ball collisions. Piles of the best food you can ask for, and when it was all said and done the students were asking for more. Not more food and games however. They were asking for more nights of encountering God. We got a word from the beginning saying that God wanted to reveal his Father’s heart to us. God came in a greater way than we could have imagined. I’m looking forward to Winter Camp 2012.
-David Baker

These guys,.. though nerdy and caffeinated.. and growing larger in number by the day actually do alot of the behind the scenes work that keeps all of our offices running and recruiting.

This is only some of our team Left to Right: Beth, Australia ; Elli, Germany ; Menno, Holland ; Brenda
(and baby), Canada ; Richard, UK ; Acksios, Korea; Bottom - Arien Canada/Australia.

 Missing: Sarah, Jess, Adrian, J. , Mark, and of course Luke. (above)

Please excuse my hair,.. I dont know what it was doing that day.. oh and the semi-crooked buttoned job  on the cardigan. 'Dont leave the office much do ya Steph?' It was just an interesting day I suppose. :)



By Beth R

"It should take 4 people 3 weeks. We've got 2 men and just 5 days"

This week is cabling week at the new Robertson Street property. Over the weeks and months we've seen roofs come off and foundations go down; steel framing has popped it's head above the walls and now it's time for the new base to get it's nervous system. That's where media comes in.

Media legend Richard Blake and Property (another ministry at YWAM Perth) bad-boy Sam Taylor have donned reflective vests and stepped up to the challenge of embedding 70,000 feet (that's 21kms!) of LAN cables in 5 days.

These men are not ones to shy from a challenge, “It's a job that I've been told should take 4 people 3 weeks. We've got 2 men and just 5 days. Bring it on” says the ever-optimistic Richard. Two days in and the challenges certainly are rearing their heads, but that will only make the victory that much sweeter.

July 19, 2011

Camera thoughts and 'How To's'

Photography Cheat Sheet (sad day the original was improperly referenced)

low light photography

Ecc 3:11He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

April 17, 2011

"Its been a year now" - Grassroots News - Random Pieces

Its been a year since we officially left home for this long-term committed adventure. Which means our commitment is up in about a years time and we may go home during that period and re-organize anything that needs done (get rid of our 'stuff' ),... but our heart is to continue working with Youth With A Mission. 

What we miss.. (beyond the usual friends and family)..and predicable seasonal allergies.. Hershey Chocolate, making camp fires, dollar fast food menus, lighting-bugs, thunderstorms (random Pennsylvania species)... Ice hockey, October fall time colors.., the outlet mall, car rides to cities like Erie or Pittsburgh, trips to Walmart at 3am.   Oh sad-face... well hopefully we will be able to visit for a short time and experience a few of these next trip home.

To be honest, this last year has been a challenge both personally and professionally but over all it has been an amazing experience volunteering/serving in Youth With A Mission. Thank you for joining together with us.. watching our mistakes, and shortcomings as well as cheering us on in the growing and joyful times together.

Above: Some of us that took part in the Grassroots Seminar. We were all linked via "Genesis" (sorta like a easier-High resolution skype) talking to different countries all taking part in the seminar at once.. watching live, and asking questions live.
Recently, I (Steph) was involved in a media seminar called 'Grassroots News'.

"During this time we learnt a lot about reporting the news as well as doing it in an ethical way, how it should be accurate, honest, truthful as well as thinking about the implications in what we are reporting. We also learnt how to tell a story and how to ask questions. It was a good time and the idea is that it will eventually change the news industry." -Luke Barrett, Media staff/volunteer who also took part.

The skills that we acquired will be passed on to the constant flow of teams that are sent out from here into places all over the earth. Generally there is some training on a personal or ministry level but this is going clear beyond that into the public arena. 

   A GRASSROOTS STORY MAKES HEADLINES- The Japan Quake/Tsunami used for ABC. March 23, 2011.

   UNITY IN EGYPT - Muslims and Christians coming together, you wont see this on your regularly scheduled program. March 14, 2011.

   THE VISION - of Grassroots news. - Go on! Be a part of it.

This is one of the videos produced during the seminar by some friends of mine that took part. here >> ART REFUGE : Lives Changing through Art 


And just as a fun add to this update: More photos. 

I added a montoage of Emma Blakes rad shoes just for sharing sake.
Kids of the YWAM hood.

Elisama (Above) eating Aussie 'Tacos',.. much like mom makes at home 
but no-where near Mexican Authenticity.

READY TO GO OUT: this was the team, in the last few months, that served the streets of Northbridge. In the photo they are all hearing from the leader of the team about what the evening will look like 'tonight'.

Katie and Ariel: some of the chillest chicks you'll ever meet.

 READY SET.....GO!: Manning the "BOOKS TABLE" for registration day. Thats Arien from Media, representing it with style and flair! Look at that rad 80's shirt!

SHAUN: He and his wife have been serving in YWAM for several years. Shaun is full of good humor and poke-you-in-the-ribs-fun. 

JOBI (joe) -- a kool kat from Cali. --just finished serving his time here for 3 months.. He just volunteered Mission building, that means he was an entry-level ywamer. Because he hadn't done a DTS (prerequisite for long term work) we got to spend alot of time with him. Either way he's got a good heart and some mad photography skills. It was great getting to know him and definitely hope he comes back for a longer more intense stay next time.


Featured Christian Artist: If you havent noticed (by the lack of posts) I havent had alot of time on my hands to find another one BUT golden oldies are great too..

Some of Ariens new stuff:

(the Base Server Crashed and this is the fictional story that has begun to unravel...)

 This is the "real richard"... when he goes into the server room he turns into a cartoon... 

March 26, 2011

Producing a magazine equals hard work

One of the most time intensive prints that we as the Media Department produce.
I spent the last six months, and an over-night dedicated shift to get it finished, printed, and passed out before all of our students/volunteers left. 
Last week, because various vitals of our computer systems, I had the privilege of trying to catch up on several weeks worth of work before Tuesday night. Because of more complications slowing up the process.. I was getting the final approval eight-ish the next morning... no sleep... but not ready to give up. They were sent to the printers..  and because I chose to wait for the proof I slept on the floor of the office until I knew I could be done for the day. SO by Thursday -- lucky me (or not so lucky me) my stomach felt it necessary to accumulate the stress of it all too.. - and I was sick and outta-commission for a whole 'nother 24 hours.

Why all this commitment? Perseverance?

Well to be honest. Every time I see one of these finished.. I ask myself again and am all the more propelled into inspiration to not give up. Each of these teams has a story. Each of them has seen amazing things happen through the training they have received through YWAM Perth. Lets give em more than a yearbook, more than a magazine, more than a few facebook updates to take with them to the next season...
 Above, the photo of the first page of the Doctors Reaching School space. The DRS projects health professionals into an international service career. The aim is to see teams of heathcare workers investing in communities, imparting life-giving skills, establishing new works among the poor and bringing transformation through truth into nations.

A Quote from this Chapter:
 'In Dadeldhura, Nepal, we went hiking up and down two mountains to do a mobile medical clinic in a remote village. We were able to serve 140 patients. It was such a privilege to serve people in such a practical way.'

This is the why. We don't just want to leave those stories behind, because behind 
every one of those numbers and memories is the face of someone that was served.

Thank you Beth, Bethany, and Josh for your support, designing those last nights while helping my brain stay awake and organized!Thank you Elli for showing me the ropes, Jordan for the weeks leading up to the final.. and PS. the cover was designed by Bethany H. Photo taken by Ally.. 

More posts about "the Chapter".

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Jam 1:4

March 21, 2011

Unforgettable faces

People we will miss...
In the volunteer line of work we are in.. We see heaps of people come and go every three months. Every three months a new crew comes in.. and we get to see them grow as they are trained and we get to stand with them as they go out to countries all over the earth. This time... Mexico street outreach, Thailand outreach, Bali training,.. Eastern Australia flood relief... Aussie Outback ...

We will miss you October Quarter 2010.

Fun times...
Far off lands they came from
 and went

American, South African, Aussie

they arrived as fast as they went.. each giving us memories along the way

in numbers great and small...

March 20, 2011

Our Place 2011

Yes this is our place. It isn't much but its where we gonna live fo a while. Down the road we would like to do more to make it "our home". 
Australian vocab word of the day: 'FLAT' - As in "Welcome to our flat."
   Flat - Aussie Apartment. Most of the time these are an everyday small to mid-sized apartments. But called both names by YWAMers who seem to have a sub-culture of our own vocab.                                                                                                                                                 

ABOVE: Our Kitchen/Dining room. We are lucky to have those Kitchen cupboards. Although for as much as we eat at the base there isn't as much a need for them. But they are nice for storage for future cookie making and funky coffee mugs and such.
The table came with the flat (left) with those nice chairs I got off the curb of a office building. Free--Oh yeah!
We have coffee together quite often, whilst reading, blogging, and writing to people home.. wish each of you had just a few moments at the chair on the other side. Miss you!

And those stools to the right I got at a thrift-salvage yard. One thing I have learned is Yard sales may not be the popular thing here, but recycling and upcycling is-- And that makes my little vitage color palette happy.

 BELOW: Turn the corner and your in the bedroom, blink and you might miss the living room, (containing the 80's black pleather  back-sweat enducing goodness couch. haha) 

ABOVE: After this photo was taken we gave up on the -not-to-be-reassembled- bed frame. After several moments of falling through it.. Frustrating yet comical in the middle of the night.
LEFT: Oh joy.. storage! At this point most of it is hanging storage so we would like to make it more practical by adding some shelving when we get a spare day. **Its currently filled with suitcases and several students suitcases --When all the newbies figure out they're over weight then... why not provide a way. 

LAST but not least to ever be taken fo granted when in YWAM especially (community living). A bathroom, aka: 'the toilet'.  In North America we say "Im going to the bathroom -Ill be right back." Here its- "Goin' to the toilet, be back in a sec." Toilet referring to the room not the piece of porcelain you make your sacrifice toBELOW: Just a little extra. This is the park outside our window. As viewed from the other side of the park. Ive walked through it quite a few times.. but haven't had a chance to hang out in it much
 Beautiful Ain't it?

Oh! and just for fun as a new reference: Our old apartment in the States -- the last time we had our own space 2008!! (notice the camera quality difference too!)


Featured Christian Artist: DAN CROOK-
^^listen to his music on his site^^


And Just a reminder:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. - Ps 46