
December 14, 2009

Looking into the future.

Missions awareness. The following is an update that I recieved from Mike, a good friend of mine, who is just a few months ahead of where Matt and I  are right now. Hes been training for the last few months and about to leave on outreach; we are about to leave in March to start training. Although we will be working with compleately different ministries than Mike, but the challenges are about the same. So this goes out to all of you guys that have been and will be praying for us in the coming months. We have heard that we may be working in Mexico City also. (copied from Facebook)

Hello Friends and Family,
It has been a long time coming for this update and I do indeed apologize. But it has been quite busy down here. If you didn't know I have started another school at YWAM Perth, The Bible School for the Nations. It is an amazing school so far and I am learning heaps of stuff.

We are going through the Bible chronologically and really searching out what it's actualy trying to say. Looking at Historical context, Hebrew and Greek words, and grammar. These aspects have been bringing life to the Bible and really helping in understanding and applying the Bible.

One of the biggest things that I've learned was this idea of a worldview. It means one's personal view of the world and how one interprets it; The totality of one's beliefs about reality. Pretty much how we see the world, God, and others. We were using a textbook called 'Understanding the Times' by David A. Nobel. It's an amazing book that you should pick up, it goes over the 6 main worldviews of today:

Secular Humanism
New Age

After going over these worldviews and really understanding what having a Biblical worldview looks like it has radically changed the way I see Christianity. I found out that I had alot of postmodern views about life, myself, and God. And these views are something that God is not intending me to live out of. He wants me to live out of the Truth that is in His Word. He wants me to live out of reality. So it has been a process of aligning myself with what the Bible and God say about Truth and exposing where I have believed a lie about reality. It has brought alot of freedom to my life, the ability to know truth is so freeing.

If you want to know more about what I am learning about just shoot me a message and I will most definitely get back to you.

I currently have two more months left in Perth, then I will be shooting off to Mexico City. The BSN is actually splitting up into three teams: one team in Mexico City and two teams in Asia.

On these Outreaches we will be holding seminars in which we teach a Biblical Worldview to Pastors and church leaders. Alot of places in Asia are so thirsty for Biblical training but they have no where to find it. We are sending teams to two places that will supply this need to these passionate leaders.

See the fifth country listed in these stats. That is the nation that one of our teams is going into. (Keep in mind that those stats are from the 90's and now it is believed that that country is the biggest Christian nation in the world by numbers.) The people in that nation are so passionate for Jesus but they lack depth in their knowledge of who God is and practical ways to apply the Bible. They are very hungry for Biblical teaching and are eagerly awaiting teachers. These seminars will help grow the foundation in Asia. That we might see the underground church rise above and bring transformation.

I am personally really excited to see these teams go into these tough non-reached areas and really see the Gospel brought and God's truth planted in Asia. God is doing big things in Asia and we need to see more people going into these nations and more prayer invested into these people who are so passionate about Jesus.

 The Mexico City team, where I will be heading, is partnering with the Megacities ministry hear at YWAM Perth. This is deifnitely an amazing ministry that sees alot of transformation and fruit where they go. Their vision is to go into a 'mega city' and partner with the local church to equip them with training, evangelism, and mercy ministries for 12 months. The cities they have done in the past are:

Hyderabad, India
Durban, South Africa
Cairo, Eygpt
Jakarta, Indonesia

Check out the statistics and testimonies of these cities here.

And now it's Mexico's turn.

The statistics of the last cities Megacities have been in are impressive but Mexico will go above and beyond in 2010. All of the YWAM bases in North and South America have committed to sending teams to Mexico during these 12 months, along with YWAM international and the non-YWAM body of Christ sending in teams aswell. Along with this, the Government and local Church in Mexico City is on board with us aswell and very excited. Protestant and Catholic Churches alike are coming together in this great initiative to bring transformation to this city. The unity that we will see in Mexico City will be like none other. It is already looking to be the biggest missions movement the world has seen.

So that is where my school and I are heading. We are currently trusting God for around $54,000 Aussie dollars. I myself need around $3,000 for the trip to Mexico.

If you would like to partner with me and give financially that would be a huge blessing to me. Shoot me a message and I will give you more information or answer any questions you may have.

There are some different ways you can donate, so I will give you the options below if you are considering it,

*Online at the YWAM Perth website.
*Send it in the mail with some Rees Peanut Buttercup's to:
c/o Mike Holmlund
PO Box 8501 Perth Business Centre,
Western Australia, 6849, Australia
*Or you could write a Cheque or drop some cash over to 506 Brightsand Crescent (my parents' abode) and they can drop it into my account.

Well thanks for everything guys, I love you all a whole bunch and think your pretty great. I can't wait to come back home and hang out with you guys in April. I'm bringing my South African friend back home with me so that'll be sweet. I miss you guys, much love, PEACE.

(He is currently dating a girl that he met when Matt and I worked with him in Cape Town, South Africa. They met at YWAM Perth, Australia. Cute couple.)

Mexico City


Drawing of Mike at the cross (I did) during April lecture phase

The Mikey and The Jeanie

December 8, 2009

Black soil: The culture shock continues.


Humbled by the hope hunting me down
I cannot fathom life without it nor escape its impossibleness.

Im-a mess.
Im cruel and Im selfish.
I am vengful in my weakness
I cannot repent as far as the east is from the west.

Its not that I am discouraged at my inablity.
Its my want and desire to save the world myself that I am ashamed of.

Taking the attention away from where it belongs.
My heart is broken for entire nations..
as I serve communion, look-into-those-eyes, and say..
"Christ blood shed for you"
one set of eyes
at a time.
This. This is community.

Solomn and serious glares backmy way.
subtle tears

flashing pictures through my head
we called them
though they were one step closer the the cup
the little ones couldnt get enough

We say our churches are apathetic and sleeping
I wonder how the enemy is slowly
Influencing us to be the
attackers to our oppressors and misrepresentors.

There is a choice between influence and obedience.
I refuse to cross those tracks
I will not be subdued into easy reaction
I will not attack others because they do not agree or understand

It hurts me more than being right.
It hurts me more than having the last word
It hurts me that though I have scared over the years
and spoke on trecherous eggshell conversation
in the shadow of judgment and unrest
brought on by others 
that have misrepresented my God..

I cannot be like him in my humanity, in my very nature
though I can choose to overcome and endure
confident in the grace of hope and character
as he is my example

Peace like a lamb
it hunts me down like a lion
and tackles my heart like a gentle father
with his kids.

* * * * * * *

Culture shock back home continues.
I wrote this thismorning. After having read and seen so many, so-many-many Christians be hateful towards their peers and fellow-believers. Not just one instance but many. Why? In this country more than any other I have personally experienced. Why? In our 'culture of indepence' pushing us to be 'right' all the time why do we give in to the temptation and aggravation? Sure defend yourself, be bold in what you believe... but speak the truth in love.

Those that attack non-believers: Christians; I feel like we are so often wasting our time with people that really could care less with what we believe and actually agueing with them (I myself have stumbed into this),.. and instead of respecting their stories, valuing them as individuals, seeing them in their potential despite their short-comings we would perfer to call 'sin'.  Yes, sin is sin. All of us seem to have a different gauge of that anymore, and that gives us oppertunity to learn from those that we dont agree with theologically. I have met, and know soo many grace filled, gentle, kind, servant-hearted, and non-judgmental people --that do not believe in Christ as their Lord and Savior. Often they have said in front of me "Steph is one of the first christians that I have met
that doesnt have a hidden agenda" or "I can be talk to her about my (non)beliefs because I know that she respects where I am coming from." But even as we build relationship with believers and non-believers alike and challenge our friends as they challenge us we still struggle with seeing them beyond their sin. Why? And dont even tell me that everyone but you is a Pharasee, dont let the enemy twist the words of the bible like he can so easily

For those that attack believers: First Christians that attack fellow Christians. Yes I understand that we need to discuss the issues that are going on around us and not be apathetic. What is the difference between aphathy, slander, gossip, anger, bitterness, malice, strife and awareness, truth, love, grace, forgiveness, understanding, long-suffering, affection, care, etc. The difference at its source is we need to ask ourselves about our attitudes. Ex: 'why am I talking about this right now, is it going to help this person grow in their faith, am I be Christ-like in my example?' More than that even, 'Am I showing this person that I value them as a human being first and formost?' I hope you understand what I am saying here. Ultimately we are misrepresenting Christ. We need to value people more than we value being 'right'. Again, I say 'we' because I know that in time of haste and reaction I have been here too.

Secondly, non-believers who attack christians. One can tell when a christian has a hidden agenda to selfishly convert 'another one'.. right? I agree; when one person is making another human being a 'project' its discusting. But I challenge you, Christians see the reverse of this too. I dont mean civilized theological discussion, I mean outright attacks on character and belief to possibly convince a 'reverse-conversion.' Underneath all our pride and selfishness we are people too. When you throw out sharp words we bleed too. I feel like people have forgotten this. Friends of mine know better of me. For me, its almost always total strangers (sometimes people that dont know me that well) that attack my beliefs. They say things like "christians are ignorant, bigots, neive, backwards, don't know whats really in the bible, their God is not real, they're dumb for believing he is, and must not be open-minded if they are not willing to change when facts a presented."  Variaties of people at times mock the core of our beliefs which indirectly burns too, because for most of us core strings are attached to the heart. Some of you see what Im saying especially during this time of year. 
Yes, as I have already acknowleged. Christians fail, we stumble, we fall, sin, lie, cheat, steal... we have been horrible examples. We have been horrible examples of Christ... though we are called to imatate him in our character. Many of us are close-minded, ignorant... etc. and history confirms it from the Crusades, to international slavery of Africans all over the globe, to every louder-than-life tele-evagelist, to that over-zealous uncle or preacher who outright misrepresented humanity -let alone his/her beliefs. I am sorry. Honestly, it hurts me alot to see my faith so sorely mis-represented... and I feel the burden of expectation all the more.

In finishing, I want to say that although I feel apologitic for the misrepresentation of my beliefs by me or others I am not ashamed or profess to know it all about God or the bible. I do admit that the hope that have had through my freedom to choose a unconditionally-loving relationship with God has inspired me to share. He didn't force his love, his word, or himself in anyway on me.. so by that example if you want to talk about it we can, if you don't we won't.  If you disagree with what you think I believe, or see me messing up royally,.. lets sit down and have a coffee (only cause the internet is to impersonal). Caution- Im a little sensitive and a little passionate,.. so lets take it slow. 'Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.'


MORE CHRISTIAN ART. New article coming soon.
Below: Don't knock it. This is a past student of mine so I am partial. I really miss teaching, and ministry in general... being effeciant at serving others.. not just doing 'whatever'.

Used by permission. By Sami Burke, 2009, Grade 7

For More Christian Art "Article 1" click here,

November 11, 2009

Who says christians don't produce good art. Article #1

Informal and random as it is. I wanted to share some art from a variety of backgrounds of art. Ive been inspired by some of these pieces and by this book I am reading called Imagine; a vision for christians in the arts.

"One of the greatest hinderances to the development of biblically informed mainstream art has been the perception that Christians should make "Christian art" and that "Christian art" is always explicitly religious. Understood this way, "Christian art" is not distinguished by a regenerated outlook on the whole of life but by a narrow focus on Bible stories, saints, martyrs and the individual's relationship with God." pg23

"Lack of Christians in the popular arts and the inferior quality of contemporary "Christian Art" had an effect on me as a teenager. Because its claims were ignored, Christianity appeared to be culturally irrelevant. Did this mean that Christians just couldn't tough it out in the "real" world? Did it mean that cultural expressions of Christianity could only survive when unchallenged, in the condoned off enclave of the Christian subculture?
 Because the work that bore the name Christian was often poor in quality and naive in understanding, Christianity by implication seemed insipid and uninspiring. How great was this God that allowed such work to represent him? How exciting was this life that seemed to perfer drabness to color, shallowness to complexity, security to risk?" pg12

Granted Ive only just started reading this book. Its an easy read by the way, I would encourage you to read it. I have felt the same way as the writer, especially as a teen. This is part of what todays church would call my "testimony". I have been dubbed "the artist" by people from every sector of my life. My teachers, peers, employers, friends, parents of friends have all pigeon-holed me as that melocoly, craftsy, and assumed I'd taken classes until told otherwise (I couldnt naturally be good). So when I was told that God was a creator I pigeon-holed him too. I am only just now discovering, somewhat through this book that I am not the only one that has done this.

What do you think? Do  a majority of Christians through their actions or through their art represent God in a negative light?

Random Examples:

Randomly found on

This is a photo taken by a really good friend of mine studying Photography and Journalism in South Africa . Her site is:

Another REALLY amazing Artist friend of mine, from New Mexico  - also a photographer. I can't cut and paste her work because its so professionally copyrighted on her website. But please DO check it out. Dannette Chappell.

November 8, 2009

Bell update, Community outreach, Human Trafficking

So we have officially been home for about a month on Wednesday. It feels selfish to live so comfortable. We, although we are looking, are getting by just fine without jobs. We have decided to stay with friends who are our parents age and recently empty nesters. Next Wednesday we are doing a presentation at our church. It will be the first of many we are hoping to speak at. If anyone hears of anyone hiring in the area call up or drop us an email, we've filled out dozens of applications at this point.

Yesterday Matt, and about 4 other guys went to Pittsburgh. They went with the intention to 'work with the homeless', and had set up a connection with a halfway house that helps people work their way off the street. Building relationships to encourage guys that want to honesty kick some habits, and addictions that have held them back. The brand new non-profit organisation they worked with was called "New Life Ministries." It looks like they will be -possibly- helping them build more housing in the future. From what Matt told me it looks like its a 9month program that just teaches responsibility within independence and looks like lived out daily. Stuff obviously you and I take for granted. Balancing a checkbook, over coming addictions, building healthy relationships, serving others first - you know the basics. It would be cool if we (as a community and church)could continue working with them. Im not posting this for the oppertunity to boast about my husband but to open up disscussion and say " hey if you wanna be part of active outreach oppertunies - give us a call." The harvest is plenty and the workers are few.

If you want to know more about how long we will be home or what our intentions are while we are here read
http://http// scroll down to the "future" paragraph.

Continuing with the theme of the last post; below is a video from a branch of YWAM ministries (who Matt and I work with). Whom work to raise awareness about sex trafficking of children. Check them out: I can guarantee that every photo taken on this site is originally done and directly associated to a story that can be told first hand. I've had friends do this program and left knowing they made their mark on the statistics. If the video above does not appear below click here:

November 4, 2009

Movies, Media, and Missions

Before you say "wait a minute.. I thought this was a missions site about your travels and stuff." Well we are at home and as I brought up in the previous post.. part of our goal in the next 5 months back in PA is promoting missions awareness. It doesnt have to be boring or complicated.. -Heck, there are alot of resources out there. Lets utilize them! Below are movies that depict many issues on my heart and Im sure on God's heart over the past few months... awareness,... injustice,... what are we gonna do about it!?

Movies I would like to see:

IN Jo-burgh SOUTH AFRICA. After shooting a woman (Nambitha Mpumlwana) and driving off in her car, a ruthless thug (Presley Chweneyagae) is surprised to discover he isn't alone, kept company by a crying infant in the backseat. But through his efforts to care for the baby, he slowly rediscovers his capacity to love. Writer-director Gavin Hood helms this Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film, based on the novel by Athol Fugard.

Rabbit-Proof Fence
Rabbit Proof Fence
Australia's aboriginal integration program of the 1930s broke countless hearts -- among them, those of young Molly (Evelyn Sampi), Gracie (Laura Monaghan) and Daisy (Tianna Sansbury), who were torn from their families and placed in an abusive orphanage. Without food or water, the girls resolve to make the 1,500-mile trek home. Meanwhile, a well-intentioned tracker is trying to return the girls to the authorities.

Movies I would recommend:

End of the Spear
END of the SPEAR
Many years after his missionary father was speared to death at the hands of Waodani tribesmen, a young man (Chad Allen) returns to the Ecuadorian jungle to meet the native (Louie Leonardo) who murdered his father and learn the truth about his family's legacy. The result, in this film based on a true story, is a life-altering experience that brings him closer to the kin of his father's killer and impacts both of their lives forever.
Review: I would recommend this to anyone that isn't going to be quick to judge the cultural and religious intentions of this story. I was inspired by the grace, forgiveness, and strength implied in the plot. By the way this is a true story.

Hotel Rwanda
Amid the holocaust of internecine tribal fighting in Rwanda that sees the savage butchering of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, one ordinary hotel manager (Oscar nominee Don Cheadle) musters the courage to save more than 1,000 helpless refugees. Sophie Okonedo, Nick Nolte and Joaquin Phoenix co-star in this powerful film -- often described as an African Schindler's List -- directed by Terry George.
Review: After meeting people that actually survived the holocaust in Rwanda.. I wanted to watch this again. The look in Don Cheadle's eyes throughout the movie is the same look I saw in the South African refugees. Do not watch if you have a weak stomach or heart.

Blood Diamond
In war-ravaged Sierra Leone, diamond smuggler Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) learns that a local fisherman (Djimon Hounsou) has stumbled upon a gigantic gem, and he offers to reunite the man with his family in exchange for the diamond. When Archer befriends a journalist (Jennifer Connelly) tracing "blood diamonds" that finance terrorist groups, he's faced with a choice between riches and humanity. DiCaprio and Hounsou each earned Oscar nods.
Review: This is quite a bit more romanticised than the rest of the selection here.. but not any less heart-wrenching and conviction. This began my curiosity for "fair trade". GOOGLE IT! Oh and side note Leonardo isn't that bad either,.. I was amazed at his accurate South African accent.



Just an idea to be part of something bigger: (above) The United Methodist Church and the NBA paired up for a campain to fight against Malaria using misquito nets. Isnt that great? "SEND A NET SAVE A LIFE". "the Nothing But Nets campaign has engaged hundreds of thousands of individuals to help achieve the UN goal to end malaria deaths by 2015."

Movies and notes about them are from, and Ad campain photos found at
(United Methodist campain to make church a verb- liveing and active as we are called to (in the bible),uniting as people. Instead of just a "noun"- the building or place we go to.)

October 22, 2009

From Red soil to Black

Yes the soil is red in the deserts of Australia. And yes the soil at home could not be blacker. No metaphor -just a cheesy visual.

We have been home for about a week and half. It took us about a week to recover from, 12 hour time difference, jet-lag. Which in my experience is a record. Matt and I experienced much ware fare coming home in our travels. Lets just say our booking agency forgot to finalize our last flight and we got to stay in New York City for night and a half. In the opportunity to despair I'd like to say "we didn't" while we were missing 2 nights of sleep but that wouldn't be true. Nevertheless we have had time to pray, recoup, and reflect so here I am.
The plan for the last several months was and is that we would come home to raise awareness about missions. "How is God really moving across the globe?" and to build faith by encouraging others that Jesus taking prostitutes off the street and giving hope to street beggars in Africa is the same God that wants to move in the midst of his people our community here. That means a season of serving in our home community, and home church in practical and tangible ways also. Similarly we feel that this is a time to ask people to partner with us prayerfully and financially so that we can continue to serve in the nations. Our goal is to continue to partner Youth With A Mission, Perth, Australia and work in the 3rd world neighboring nations starting in next April (2010).

This week we were invited by the new pastor to a United Methodist Missions conference. Thankfully the focus so far has been challenging church (as a whole) in missions; not just a time for a denomination to pat themselves on the back. There have been several seminars about the 'poor' of the community and around the globe; and how the bible calls us to tangibly serve them.

I bawled to see extensive video about the suffering in Darfur, Sudan... If you do not know about the political-social-economical issues in Darfur PLEEASE GOOGLE IT!

As the rainy season gets under way in South Darfur, UMCOR has helped keep hope in the future alive by providing seeds and agricultural tools to displaced families. Here Adel Dut plants sorghum on land outside the camp.
Photo: Paul Jeffrey/UMCOR (United Methodist Commitee on Relief, from )

We had met a few refugees from the Sudan while we were in Cape Town, so seeing the child soldiers on the screen immediately brought tears to my eyes; but impacted my heart to see that the global church (as a whole) is rising to the challenge in many ways and tangibly working to serve the people there.
We have gotten a few more ideas about what Matt and I can do while we home, ways we as YWAM can connect with the global relief efforts of the UMCOR, and thoughts to possibly inspire our church to become more active in in the community we are from.

Ohhh and a personal favorate.. Fair Trade Chocolate and Coffee!! AWARENESS-AWARENESS-AWARENESS!!" The U.S. imports 50% of its cocoa fromt the Ivory Coast in West Africa, where thousands of children, as young as 5 years have been trafficked into slavery to work on cocoa farms."

If your interested>> two books I was encouraged to read to be more impactful as a church:
The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical by Shane Claiborne

unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity... and Why It Matters by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons

October 20, 2009

South Africa Journal- August.

I know that this goes against conventional blogging -post-posting but I wanted to share thoughts and memories from my journal that are still fresh on my mind today.

The boys home. In the community of Woodstock.
"I took you from the ends of the earth.. from the farthest corners,.. chosen and not rejected. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,... I will strengthen you, help you, and not let you go." Isaiah 41:8-9

Before we left prayed about what God wanted to share at the Boys home on Pine Street. It was to be 5 of us, and 5 others were going to another home. These boys, from what we knew, were off the street. Some of us had a first assumption that they were put there as a punishment because they broke the law or were illegal immigrants of a sort. How wrong we were. As we prayed though we asked God to help us get our hearts right and to clear anything out of our path that would prevent these guys from healing and growing through our time with them. The scripture Isaiah 41:8-9 was shared. It hit me square between the eyes in a very personal way.

What followed was a vividly passionate and strangely surreal time with these boys who’s age ranged from 9-18. My friend, who’s heart was now healed and strengthened, spoke openly and transparently in front of these guys about her past, about how God has and is continuing to heal her fully. No more lies, no more façade, no fear of rejection. They seemed unusually soft and receptive. We then divided into groups of 3 to 4 including one of us in each group.

In my group there was young Cape Townian man and guy from Zimbabwe who quickly shared that he could relate to her in many different ways. Tears came to his eyes as he shared that he was a refugee of sorts. He never knew his father, and his mother passed away just a couple years ago. Emotion flowed comfortably out of him as he shared the rigid words of guilt he felt for leaving his younger brother behind to come to South Africa. This teenage man carried this massive pile guilt and shame that he had the opportunity to go to school. Im talking high school! He was ashamed that he had food to eat, and a roof over his head. As we finished talking and I prayed for him the tention on his face appeared to change.

The next two times I saw him he seemed very encouraged and light hearted as he spoke with me about his future plans.
Our prayers been effective in Cape Town.

I want to cry. August 20 2009
We have seen God do an amazing amount through our team as we have worked along side the churches we have been doing ministry with. It has been hard at times. I have struggled emotionally but it has been a time that I have been weakest and I have seen God pick it all up off my shoulders and lay it all on His.

As a predominantly white team, with predominantly foreign accents at least one of our team will get approached almost daily for money. Children run up to us barefoot on the glass spattered streets “rand, rand?” they mutter quickly. (Rand is the currency here.) Women in the city have approached me more than once, with a feeding infant slung to their chest they spout off frantically “I need money for my children, we sleep on the streets, and have no food.”
One boy in the city obviously tripping on ’glue’ with his eyes rolled up into his head, drool coming from his mouth, and feet stumbling to keep his balance “Don’t give me money, don’t give me money, just give me food.” His name was Michael. His face was empty and his body a wrangled skeleton. Michael was someone’s little boy, and if he had never been he needed to be. I will never forget the aerosol and gas smell to his clothes and incredibly shallow, close-to-death look to his expression. About 18 or so years old, helplessly addicted and wandering the dangerously dark streets alone,.. I wanted to take him in before he passed out again in what I imagined was a garbage filled ally somewhere.
As am finding myself more and more numb; I am therefore all the more calling out to God to soften my heart. Who said doing missions is easy? The gap between extreme poverty and extreme wealth is so huge that it turns my heart inside out to try to explain. One has to dive deep into the history of Cape Town to understand the hopelessness and helplessness that attempts to drive this curse deep into the heart of the next generation.

This past Sunday I spoke at a church many of the words that I share daily with people we meet on the street. People see our new clothes and hear our accents as clear as the Hollywood screen and often their body language reads in envy and presumption. Whether I am understanding them correctly or not; the God of South Africa is the same God of the United States, Indonesia, Germany, Brazil, and Canada. Whether I understand their pain and shame completely or not; God does. The phase I use a lot is “hopelessness is hopelessness, no matter where your from, what your back round, or skin color.”
“If a person is willing to give up, or take their life, no matter what the reason - something or someone has lied to them, and that lie is not from God.”

Common scenes of Cape Town

















October 11, 2009

Looking back..Quick Post

Wow, its over... its actually over. 

This ride has been untamed and sobering. The next couple places we worked in CapeTown didn't offer much help on the internet end of things.. so sorry we dropped off the face of the planet for a while.

I'm currently going through hundreds of pictures to pick a few to post to our beloved blog readers. 

We will be home soon. Soon to see our families, soon to raise prayer and financial parters, and soon to recover from the emotional and warefareic living that we have endured and enjoyed the last 6 monthes. (Although hoping to return asap)

Love you Friends of Cape Town, and Perth...Miss you already. See you soon Venango Land (Pennsylvania).. after a goods nites rest high fives and hugs your way.

Matt and Steph signing out at the Sydney Airport- free'Optus' internet service. 

July 20, 2009

Working in the Communities of CapeTown

Almost week 3 of Outreach, and it feels like we have been here much longer. Yes! we are in Africa!
Right now our teams are mainly working with the colored and black communities of Cape Town, South Africa. They mostly speak english. But for all of them either Xhosa or Afrikaans is their first language. It is strange to feel so outta place but God is using us in our differences and it had been eye opening to realize the spiritual reprocussions of valueing one race over another. History here proves that ‘time’ does not heal all wounds, the love of God -our Creator, our Father- does.
We have been working with our first church ‘Tabernacle of Praise’, in the community of Parow and in a very poverished community called Delft a 5 minute drive away. This church is only 8 years old and wanting to know more about making themselves more available and equipped in ministry.

IN THE COMMUNITY OF PAROW: In the community around the church we have been able to go from door to door to ask people if they would like to prayer and been recieved with open arms even from the most unlikely people. Talking to addict teens in the park, angry prostitutes on the corner, and random people in the markets. We have done prayer walks that have produced more fruit than we imagined. We have asked God to work through us and guide us daily and he has rewarded us honorably.

THE COMMUNITY OF DELFT is a formal settlement, small cluster of cookie-cutter housing. Each house is about the size of most of our living rooms at home. Most of the people that live here at one point lived in shacks in the areas of town they were forced into during Aparteid. Aparteid, meaning ‘separation’ in Afrikaans was a very racially oppresive part of history in South Africa. Aparteid was only legally lifted by the government in 1994 after their first democratic election. Crazy what freedoms we take for granted until we realize what we really have.
In Delft we have done prayer walks and invited people to a church that is just starting there under the leadership of the Tabernacle of Praise.

We have also done childrens programs, and by defult on prayerwalks we are invited in often for coffee to talk - which ends up being oppertunity to council through built relationships there. Several churches actually join together to do ministry there so we will continue to do ministry there and equip them to play a more active and united role in that ministry. It is well known as one of the most poverished communities in CapeTown due to their intence history with hopelessness and fatalist outlook. "Why look for a job. Im not going to find one."

We have met a variety of people here in Cape Town, South Africa.
Oddly enough it is a tourist destination with some of the most beautiful, well sought-after ‘stuff’ in Africa. Or so I have been told.
It’s a funny thought concidering we know we are here for ministry and by the time we make it to our day off catching up on laundry and e-mailing home seems to be priority.
The shore-line of Cape Town was claimed by the Dutch whites early in it’s history and still holds more financial and material value in it’s little pinky then the rest of Cape Town combined. From what we have seen the malls look like Hilton mansions and the boat yards are filled to the brim with yachts. The span between rich and poor in this city is so vast and expansive that it turns my heart inside out.

Now you have ammo to pray for us and for Cape Town South Africa.

July 9, 2009

SOUTH AFRICA JOURNAL ~ Outsiders, Delft, Debbie

Needs, Burdens, Wrecking Us for the Ordinary.

Wednesday July, 8 2009

“I need a job, I have no money to feed my 6 children…” she hadn’t even introduced herself. The old woman who sounded as if she was going to start begging like many of the people I had met the same way before. She spoke very little English, which was becoming more and more familiar to me. Those are the words she knew clearly how to say in english; “I need”. She spoke Xhosa. I noticed because of the way her tongue clicked in the words she used in speaking to young girl beside her. The Xhosa, mostly the black community, sadly from what I have experienced, are in one people group in the greatest need. Mostly asking for a hand out. This time I asked her name and offered to pray for her.

I walk away from this committing to the Lord that I will not carry the load He is meant to carry. We all see the desperation in the eyes of these faces at times and individually have nothing to give but a prayer and sense of hope that brightens up their faces for a moment. Emotionally at the end of the day we are wrecked, physically we are tired, mentally we are drained. At the end of the day I know I am to give all my heart, all my soul, all my strength to him. I am/ We are not to carry the burden of Cape Town on our shoulders. Gods solutions, His strategies for pulling this country and this city out of its past and into its future depend solely on Him working out of His people here when we leave. Our job is to direct people to hear him, often just a deeper understanding of His character, ways, and nature. God wants all to have relationship with us, and work our problems out through us, not just for us. My prayer often for individuals here is that Jesus is not just for a quick fix- not just another ‘witchdoctor’ or ‘Band-Aid’, but a carrier of their daily burdens also.

Matt 11:28-29

The Invisible Wall

Tuesday July, 7 2009

He shared with me this morning “ask of me and I will make nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.” PSALM 2:8 I/ We are in Cape Town, South Africa one of the furthest places south on the map. (like the covenant with Abraham, and Matt 28:19)

I have never felt so white or American in my life. Everywhere we go we are the minority. Mostly because we are mainly working in the colored areas, but the significant way that we stick out is huge. The white Afrikaans people do not mix very often with blacks or coloreds, and until we start talking we appear to be white Afrikaans. It is strikingly different then anything in the US. The invisible wall is so thick I can almost see it like a fog I have to walk though in order to have someone see me beyond my skin, beyond my nationality. The white people here rarely speak to the coloreds because of the history here. So it is a big deal when we do. Just by speaking with them and even more praying with them we are breaking down those walls.

They say the streets are dangerous, the taxi’s (which are vans here) are dangerous, going out at night in general is dangerous. They say there are certain streets you just don’t walk down, certain streets you don’t go near. Perfect love drives out fear, and we are not afraid but elements of wisdom need to be kept close for our own safety. We always travel in threes, and are always aware of where we are geographically and spiritually as much as possible. Discernment of the Holy Spirit is with us and angels encamp around us.

Here in the middle of it all, humbled and privileged fighting in someone else’s battle along side them. I think that’s why people are so quick to have an open ear and open heart. They respect, and feel honored that we have come so far and to such a ‘dangerous place’ just to encourage, love, and pray with them. We have come to them without fear of the statistics, without fear of the unknown.

While I was praying for a woman sitting by a wrought iron fence in front of her house with her baby. A young man, I’m assuming was her neighbor, walking by shouting as he went “next time you come back bring money, we just need your money!” I stopped to look at him because he was so loud from a distance and it caught me off guard. The mother I had been praying for shouted back quickly and confidently “we need only their prayers! HOPE is what YOU need brother!!” She turned her face back to me and said, with her eyes welled up and sparking in the afternoon sun, “Thank you, thank you for your prayers.” She was encouraged, she was grateful, and she was joyful from the time that I met her. She was in need of a job, probably the 20th person I personally talked to this week praying for employment.

As you read this. I caution you not to read it and feel sorry because these are a beautifully vibrant, uniquely blessed and colorfully gifted people. I encourage you really think of the wonderful and inspiring people you know that have lost jobs, find themselves in addiction, or feel hopeless. You are equipped to pray just the same. Please help us by praying for the people of Cape Town, South Africa. Please pray for us, break down some walls with us.

Ripe for the harvest that is plenty and workers are few.


Delft stories

Sunday July, 5 2009

They call them ‘townships’ or ‘squatter camps’ the homes made of tin and wood planks that we saw on our first car ride from the airport. There are also townships that are government sponsored just nearby. The difference between the two socially is one is called a ‘formal settlement’ the sponsored ones built of cement and mortar, and the ‘informal settlement’ built with whatever can be found nearby. With either of the townships - the people that live there are by great majority colored or black ethnically.

Today after a really energizing church service at the “Tabernacle of Praise” we road a packed church van to the community of Delft, a formal settlement. Everyone piled out of the car. Prayer walking was our desire.. to capture Gods heart for when we would be going back later in the week. We were in for a surprise. Never had we seen a community so open and ready to hear the gospel, such a huge majority were joyful to see that we were there to just pray for them. Never had we been so challenged in our faith or shaken by such a bold and un ashamed scene of need.

Three of us walked just a few yards/kilometers around the block and two woman in what looked like their early forties stopped us and asked in a deep Afrikaans accent “For who are you here for?”
“uuh .. We are here to just here to pray and just ask people about information on needs of the community.”
It was interesting getting to know these two friends Dedre’ (dee-DRee with the “r” rolled) and Priscilla. . We got invited into their home on the next corner. It was a cement block house about the size of most of our living rooms. Their front door, like many others in the neighborhood was left hanging wide open. Inside was a simple couch, chair, sink, and tv stand. They shared that there was a definite need for us to pray for them and began rolling off a lists for to pray for. Priscilla needed prayer for a new job because though she believed that she would have one soon, she felt that she should -and would- be rehired at the place she was fired at down the road. Dedre’ asked for prayer too. She asked for prayer that her children would listen better to her and that she as a single mom would get help to get by. Dedre’s mother sat down with us and asked for prayer, in a humble quiet tone, for all the extended members of her family that needed help in numerous ways.

It was thought provoking to walk away from their house after an hour of just hanging out over cups of black coffee. Though all three women knew of who Jesus was, and agreed that he was good, there was a crisp and sharp evidence in their words over themselves and others that proved otherwise.

As a whole team in Delft, each one of us came back with heavy hearts and burdened spirits…


One girl on our team came back red eyed from tears and somber faced from sobbing. She had met a woman who appeared to be in her late 60’s but due to an abused and wrecked life was actually only 30 a sharp contrast to her appearance. She had deep scars all over her face. Sarah (name changed) explained that she and her born-disabled 3month old were just kicked out of their home by her husband. He threw her out on the street because he was exchanging her for his mistress. The young woman thickly smelled of alcohol and had taken up the invitation to be led through prayer. The heavy hearted missionary started a line and asked her to repeat. Before she had a chance to continue; Sarah was spewing out words of prayer as the numerous tears rolled ‘God I need you, I am sorry, I am sorry I want to make you the Lord of my life, please help me come into my heart Jesus and help me. I don’t want to live like this any more, I don’t want to carry the weight anymore without you.’

As amazing as it was that she came to the Lord that day. It was still a very awful sight to actually see circumstance right there so raw and sharp. The kind of moment that one walks away from with a thick tight knot within their stomach and swollen eyes from enduring through the now passing moment of reality. My friend who prayed with her had to walk away the seriously wrangled body of that infant, and continued to hear the brokenness of his mothers voice as she recalled those moments.

We serve a God bigger than all of it, and bigger than the tremendous load that deeply scares our hearts. Sarah was thankful that God sent us to pray for her, and even in the midst of helplessness she now believed that there had to be something more to life then where she was .

Debbie’s Story.

One of our team members felt to ask her on the street corner where she was ‘working’ “If you could choose to walk away from this would you?”
‘Yes’ she replied. Very desperate and eager to share her story, Debbie’s heart over flowed with transparency, conviction, and shame. She had tried to stop working on the street not that long ago, and was recently fired at a better job because her boss found out what she used to do. She was looked at, and judged for what she did as if it was who she was as a person. Then soon after because she so late to pay her rent, she was kicked out of her apartment and had been homeless for the last three days. Sharing vividly and fearfully that she had actually been sleeping quite literally on the street. The same streets that we ourselves are not aloud to venture out on at night due to the danger.

I heard that the a great majority, maybe ¾, of people working on the streets with nothing but themselves to offer would rather be doing something else but feel that it is the only means left they have to survive.

One of them felt to share with her the story of the prostitute that was almost stoned by the people of the community that judged her. (John8:1-7) “Debbie - God sees that you are wanting to turn away from this, he sees the sacrifice you are trying to make despite your pain, despite your shame, he sees your honesty and humility…” Then one of the local community team members offered to pay the money it would take to get her back into her home so that she could look for another job and have a place to live. For Debbie this was a heart-need as much as it was a practical-need. She needed to see that God was not out to judge her, but save her because he loved her.

Debbie, after a very long time of bawling and weeping on the shoulders of these few that offered to love her freely and unconditionally; gave her heart fully to the Lord. “He sees you as clean as snow, and as precious as gold,… there is no need to carry shame of your past or fear of your future any longer.”

When Debbie was approached earlier that day, she was cold faced, broken hearted, and distant to these strangers. Now as they left her side the hugs could not stop, the smile could not be any wider and she radiated such a natural ecstatic beauty I could not even describe it with words.

I was privileged to meet her briefly right after this, and I can say we all need a to have that kinda joy, that kinda weightlessness in our hearts.

Erwin’s heart:

I spoke to a man yesterday. Erwin. He was in his mid-40’s and shared with us about how out of his inspiration of what we were doing he wanted to ‘start going back to church and allow the Holy Spirit to move’ through him again. He spoke eagerly of playing soccer or cricket in the park again with the local teenagers, to give them something to do instead of drugs.

July 6, 2009



Thursday July, 3 2009

Ouma’s Story:

So we were walking by this woman sitting alone on front stoop of her house beside the driveway. We met our new ouma (Afrikaans for grandma). Her name was Hermien (heir-MEEN). We said hello and started talking with her. After woefully explaining her plight in moving around through the years and the instability brought upon her family by gangs, violence, and unemployment; she invited us into her home. Unemployment in Cape Town is at almost 50%, and this was direct evidence of the hopeless circumstances around it created.

The four of us walked into a dark room with brightly colored curtains she proudly showed us she designed and created with the sewing machine she also proudly pointed out. “They are beautiful!!” we proclaimed honestly with surprise. She shared with us that this very sewing machine was her ‘bread and butter’, meaning it was what kept her family with a roof over their heads and food on the table. It was now broken, and she had been sitting outside contemplating ‘why’ the last hope she knew for her family was gone, as she held the small broken piece in her hand. The fix would cost her personally 500 Rand, about 70 Australian dollars but obviously not as easy to come by.

We asked her if we could pray for her. She said ‘please do’ in a very desperate worn out tone.

Funny as it was, Jeanie one of our team members, asked in Afrikaans if she had any anointing oil - chuckling to ourselves we settled for veggie oil because the poor woman had no clue as to what we were talking about. We felt to anoint her house. This sweet olouma, we had just met only ten minutes ago, was now watching these four strangers scatter in her house and ’anoint’ the windows and doors…

After that we left saying ’nice to meet you’ as she hugged us goodbye.

She didn’t know it at the time; but one of those four strangers had a tug on their hearts during the prayer to put the random 100R, put in their wallet this morning, under the sewing machine pieces on the table. Our prayer now is that God would multiply it.

This was only one of the many divine appointments we asked God for today. On our prayer walk, day 2 officially of outreach.

“God is the solution,… we will be his hands we’ll be his feet.” - Hillsong (acoustic)

July 4 2009

Another team went back to ouma’s house today. They came back with great news! Her ancient sewing machine was fixed - God answered our prayers! She apparently didn’t share how it happened, but we know what happened. While they were there this time they got to meet her daughters who also lived with her. One had been in a car accident some time ago and was still going through traumatic steps of recovery and surgeries to re mobilize her into the regular life again. They prayed for her and hung out with the family more.
Something in that house had changed, something was now fresh and new among them. Like a slight twinkle in their eye,it was a sense that there was a seed of hope now growing in their hearts.

Moments of Awe. Everyday we are here there is a moment in the day that just effects us all differently, individually, and intensely.

Wednesday July 1, 2009

After leaving our pleasant 2 days with Pastor Andre and Julie and my first impression of South Africa, apart from Jeannie-the-amazing on our team. They just let us stay in a small flat behind their garage until the rest of our team arrived. We walked around the community, prayed, and recovered from jet-lag. Sweet couple, insightful and colorful conversations round the dinner table with spicy-curry-chicken.

Today our second impression. Pastor Gordon, of the “Tabernacle of Praise” Church, a joyfully boisterous colored man from another side of town had all of us to his house for dinner. At this point our team was complete, having had zero complications at the airport. (yay!) Either way it was nice to be sitting around the table all together again, this time, with Pastor Gordon and his family. The conversation was about the current state of the community (around the church), about jet-lag, and at one point we each individually got grilled about our personal vision and calling. In praying for South Africa I felt privileged having learned of its history to be apart of something so distant from what I could fully understand. Stepping off the plane I felt awe, actually seeing the land and mountains of Cape Town in front of my eyes, but this moment was frozen in time for me. A colored pastor was speaking to me -to us- about the history of Apartheid that he lived through. I will share more about this with you personally as we go along but just being there personally to hear face to face really answered a lot of prayers I personally had.

None of us are here to ‘come in and rescue the day and leave when we feel like the problem is solved..’ We are here as available hands and feet, not just to bring encouragement, be helpful, or do a good deed; but to enable the church to be more active in the communities because they will be the responsible when we are gone to persevere with lasting fruit.

July 1, 2009

South Africa Journal - Day 1

Monday June 29, 2009

We flew from Perth, Australia to Johannesburg, with a quick layover we were then onto a plane to Cape Town. Flying over the country reminded me of the south west of the United States; mountains sparatically placed between dry squares of farmland and large groups of trees. The mountains though are the main feature. The land for a vast distance can be incredibly flat with a tiny little stream here and there but then all of a sudden a giant mass of rocky earth just punching its way through the surface and jotting up towards the sky.

So at the airport we had a little -almost expected- fun with the luggage. On the bigger and more important side of things there was 2 pieces of sound equipment that went completely missing in action. These are the basic components to do street and park shows, worship, share testimonies and what have you. So South African airlines keeps on saying it will be on the next flight… 3 flights and quite a few hours later we gave up and gave them our number. Another sad moment, more on the personal side of our luggage… I accidentally left my sketch journal on the plane. A security guard reluctantly went back to look but came back with no report. They will call me if it is found, but I’m not going to set my heart on it.

We flew with all of the April DTS who is in whole about 30 so people, but its just 3 of us going ahead for our team. Rachel our staff originally from California, with Matt and I we are the pioneers of the Media Reach Teams! The rest of out team will be here on Wednesday morning. Sven the native South African picking our team up, it was time to say goodbye to the other DTS teams. Now it was just the three of us.

From the time that we landed there had not been a 2 story building in sight, and even the International Airport itself had seen better days. Sven drove us in a little Tempo-type car asked us if we would like to take the scenic-tourist way, or see the ‘real’- side of Cape Town. Matt and I both responded “Give us the real side of Cape Town.” Encouraged by our response Sven turned onto another express way and off we went. Sidewalks and road side markings made way for dirt and beach-like sand, and newer street signs appeared more and more rusted as we went. As our little car turned the corner it was like a wave that hit us “this area has the highest murder rate in South Africa.” Rows and rows of shanty houses, made crudely with tin and wood planks. Nothing was fresh, nothing was new, everything was dirty, accept the clothes hanging on clotheslines. Each lining the streets and unevenly spaced walk ways between the roughly built blocks of. It provoked a feeling of awe in me. I had seen desperation similar to this in Mexico years ago but not like this. Sven shared with us that “Some people in Cape Town don’t even know this area is here.” My imagination went trailing off… forgotten, hopelessness. Then we went through a slow intersection where a car was pulled over surrounded by police vehicles. A thin man was held face-forward against a parked car in the middle of the road with his hands behind his back while another man cuffed him. Behind that man was a officer holding what looked like a un-aimed machine gun. Sven didn’t blink an eye, and chuckled as he advised us not to take pictures of this kind of incident for future reference.

Muizenburgh, a suburb of Cape Town is where our first stop was; the Cape Town YWAM base. A few of the intercession teams and Megacities teams from the YWAM Perth had gone ahead of us and were staying at the base. We were directed to check out the really cool view from the roof, by Eleasa a Detroit Redwings hockey fan (wink J). Up several flights of stairs we were welcomed outside by the sunlight blasting through a dirty old stained glass window. Blocks and blocks of Dutch and Portuguese inspired buildings much like the old Victorian/European styled ones from home in Western Pennsylvania greeted us as we peered across the plain of now double and triple storied houses. Just a few blocks from the rooftop was the ocean; the smell of Cape Hope loomed in the air. Every building was a different color, classic, plain and simple. Behind the last visible building in the distance the mountainsides shot up out of the earth like great walls watching over the city as a whole. Everything was brightly alive, and though the scene from the drive earlier couldn’t leave my head I had a -and I think we all had a- revelation of God’s love for Cape Town close up.

Notes to self:
Where we were staying for the night. Pastors name Andre’ and Julie. Share more about the people we meet more in next post
(get a picture of the 5 of us)

Pioneers (we were told before Matt and I left that this is what people heard in prayer) Excited and Hopeful.

Jesus told them, “You don’t get to know the time. Timing is the Fathers business (speaking of his heavenly father). What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.” Message Version of the Bible Acts 1:7-8

Day 2
Eph 1
Freedom, Unity.
You are here early for a purpose.
Hopeful, Excited… leading out as examples.
Eph 3
There is no separation in Gods people! (Even in Cape Town)
God is going before us despite our current circumstances or Cape Towns current circumstances.
“He sought to it that I was equipped, but as you can see it has nothing to do with natural abilities.”

What a great privilege it is to be apart of something soo big in Gods plan.

Rom 8:18-29
Eager expectation, beyond what we already see (beyond those shacks)
Hope in what is unseen.
In all things God works to the good of purposes of his people.