April 30, 2008
April 10, 2008
Smoothies, Traveling plans, and Enjoying today.
So Im sitting at the greatest coffeeshop in the whole round earth!! Brother Bean, global coffee house.. . It is a cute, lil' locally owned, uniquely inspired, place I like to go to get some quiet peace and mild relaxifacation. (Yes I know thats not a word but its a mix between relax-and-gratafication)...
Im trying one of their smoothies for the first time.. . .only because Ive had too much coffee for today. Strawberry with soy protein and fat burner, just to balance it out fo' some texture -- Yum...a rare-sweet fruity treat with a cool hint of vanilla.
I just dropped Matthew off in Oil City. The talented and dedicated musican he is; he decided to collaborate with some fellow artists and create! I be-so-jealous. . . .
I thought I 'd use the oppertunity to update you.
Yes we are going to Australia!! (OZ-trALL-yah)
Perth, Australia to be exact. Setting off next April for the purposes of working with YWAM. (Youth With A Mission). YWAM is a christian missionary organization whos purpose is to "know God, and make him known". For more information about YWAM. . and the huge varaities of outreaches and locations they offer please check out or
Right now Matt and I are working on filling out our passport applications, and DTS applications.
The DTS, or Discipleship Training School, is a prerequisite for almost any other involvement with YWAM. . . Something we are both mutually interested in. A DTS is an intensive- (live-in-learn-in) training program for young people seriously wanting to grow in their relationship with the Lord and serve Him. We spend 3 months in lectures and 2 months overseas on mission outreach. Oh its so exciting!! This summer we have bought tickets to visit a YWAM base in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We may potentially want to go their for an extented amount of time after our 6 month DTS. I know what your thinking-- These kids must be loaded!-- Not really. We really believe that God has really blessed us and we have tryed out best to honor him by making wise decisions fundamentally and finacailly. We acually have been saving for almost a year now, and living very very frugely.. Also we will soon be looking for prayer partners and handing out mission letters to explain exactly what we will be doing over there... and what are vision is for the future.*sigh*Seems like soo much to do in soo little time, but it all still it feels light-years away.
Right now though, we both know God has a purpose and plan for today. Im working at Christian Life Academy as an elementary art teacher once a week, and for the rest of the week I am a pizza delivery driver. If your asking 'why the contrast?'---It all works out very well at balanceing out the stress, both giveing me short oppertunities to 'get away' and reach out from my heart. Matt on the other hand is working at Liberty Electronics. He doesnt love the job, but seems to feel blessed to just to have it.
I'll let you in on a lil more next time... this is getting long and I have to pick up Matt soon. --Welcome to married life!
Im trying one of their smoothies for the first time.. . .only because Ive had too much coffee for today. Strawberry with soy protein and fat burner, just to balance it out fo' some texture -- Yum...a rare-sweet fruity treat with a cool hint of vanilla.
I just dropped Matthew off in Oil City. The talented and dedicated musican he is; he decided to collaborate with some fellow artists and create! I be-so-jealous. . . .
I thought I 'd use the oppertunity to update you.
Yes we are going to Australia!! (OZ-trALL-yah)
Perth, Australia to be exact. Setting off next April for the purposes of working with YWAM. (Youth With A Mission). YWAM is a christian missionary organization whos purpose is to "know God, and make him known". For more information about YWAM. . and the huge varaities of outreaches and locations they offer please check out or

The DTS, or Discipleship Training School, is a prerequisite for almost any other involvement with YWAM. . . Something we are both mutually interested in. A DTS is an intensive- (live-in-learn-in) training program for young people seriously wanting to grow in their relationship with the Lord and serve Him. We spend 3 months in lectures and 2 months overseas on mission outreach. Oh its so exciting!! This summer we have bought tickets to visit a YWAM base in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We may potentially want to go their for an extented amount of time after our 6 month DTS. I know what your thinking-- These kids must be loaded!-- Not really. We really believe that God has really blessed us and we have tryed out best to honor him by making wise decisions fundamentally and finacailly. We acually have been saving for almost a year now, and living very very frugely.. Also we will soon be looking for prayer partners and handing out mission letters to explain exactly what we will be doing over there... and what are vision is for the future.*sigh*Seems like soo much to do in soo little time, but it all still it feels light-years away.
Right now though, we both know God has a purpose and plan for today. Im working at Christian Life Academy as an elementary art teacher once a week, and for the rest of the week I am a pizza delivery driver. If your asking 'why the contrast?'---It all works out very well at balanceing out the stress, both giveing me short oppertunities to 'get away' and reach out from my heart. Matt on the other hand is working at Liberty Electronics. He doesnt love the job, but seems to feel blessed to just to have it.
I'll let you in on a lil more next time... this is getting long and I have to pick up Matt soon. --Welcome to married life!
April 9, 2008
Contact Info, Testimony, Mission, YWAM, What we do, Support
Contact information:
Address- PO Box 8501
Perth Business Centre
Western Australia, 6849, Australia
Tel: 61-8-9328-5321
After hours:
last updated Nov. 2009
Background information/ Our Testimonies:
I (Steph) have been part of the Galloway Church family since I was 12, and gave my life (dedicated) to Christ at 16. I grew up in a broken home, where domestic abuse and drug use was common place. I came to Galloway through the a show -mini concert- ministry that happened weekly downstairs. Through meeting people at Galloway I began participating on a regular basis... as a means to have a place to have refuge. Holy Spirit spoke into my depression... at the moment I was to take my life.. "I love you" were the words I heard audibly. Its been a long journey but since my eyes have been opened, I have felt adopted. Adopted by a father that loves me unconditionally, and family that I can be vulnerable in. God has given me hope, for my future and for the next generation. A huge scripture that I read myself and use regularly in ministry is Romans 5:3-5 we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance produces character, and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us because know that Christ’s love is poured out on us through his Holy Spirit whom he has given us.
Matt began going to Galloway soon after he became good friends with me. His story has involved growing up in a Christian home that was wrecked by divorce and a church that took sides. He had sought refuge as a teenager by acting out negatively. Over the years God pursued him and he began trusting others and valuing himself while healing from his past. He found family at Galloway, and quickly he became active there. As we dated we realized that we had both persevered through great trials out of our control; missing the mark at times while growing up, but inevitably finding hope in the Lord.
Simply put, we both have a heart to ‘not keep that hope to ourselves’.
Vision/ Heart/ Mission Statement:
We don't necessarily have a written/official mission statement (we’re just getting started) but I can say that we are passionate about sharing our testimony, reason for our hope (1Pet 3:5), to anyone who will listen. Passionate about sharing the love of Christ through relationship, through art/media and awareness, through music, defending and ministering to the broken. If the bible says that true religion is caring for the widows and orphans.. in a broader sense our heart is for those that need hope reinforced around them. Extra: YWAM PERTH Vision and Mission Statement:
Mission Field:
Our mission field is where God tells us to go. This ends up being more thought out and complicated than it sounds. Right now we are involved with Youth With A Mission and they are a wonderful resource for us to be used most accountably, effectively, and strategically in the direction God has impassioned our hearts. Out of the available YWAM bases around the world; the Perth-Australia base is one that is leading in innovation and pioneering ministries. Matt and I will be staffing at the base. According to base guidelines for family; will not be apart as a family for more than a month on outreaches. There are currently there are about 300 full-time, long term (2-25 committed years ) functioning under the bases leadership. Every three months another 100 students rotate through various training programs at the main part of the base. These Christians new and seasoned, young and old, are trained/discipled for 3 months then rotate out onto the mission field also for 3 months. In the past outreach has been locations close to Australia. ex: China; Jakarta, Indonesia; Cairo, Egypt; Durban and Cape Town, South Africa; and other countries along the Indian Ocean. The base has even choreographed and lead pioneering city outreaches with other bases in other locations around the world. (The next current location will be Mexico City)For more info about YWAM Perth, Australia:
Where we are, what we do, who are we reaching :
In detail Matt will be staffing Discipleship Training Schools, what we just finished with. To do this, he feels that God is telling him to participate as a student once again. So when he is staff during Lecture Phase (3mo.); he will be leading teaching times, prayer, and work duties around the base. He will be a weekly small (cell) group leader and meet one-on-one with each student in his small group. Holding them accountable in their daily devotions, regular participation, and just being an available mentor all-around. On Outreach Phase (3 mo.) this will be intensified, as ministry is intensified. He will be a leader of an individual group of students and responsible to see them participate in regular ministry, evangelism, working as a team. He and another possible leader will be responsible for all the logistics from where his team will sleep to how they will get around once they are in their outreach location. For more info on an average DTS at Perth:
When he is not doing this he will probably be working with another ministry on the base. Right now he is looking at "Next Wave". A ministry that works with youth all round the city and region of Perth, Australia. They develop relationships with teens in programs at school, then invite those kids to a camp to build deeper relationship with God, and continue to challenge them through Youth Led Cells with the goal to "train youth to lead youth," and provide strategies to see their non-Christian friends reached. More information about Nextwave ministries:
I (Steph) will be working on the base in the media office. With keeping a base like this running, communication is key. After doing the Media DTS I realized that I am able to be used artistically and tangibly on the base. The media office creates flyers, newsletters, videos and other constantly updated media to keep training at a high standard, to share with others at home creatively and strategically. I feel that photos, videos, web design, journalism and other similar means of communication make the mission field real to those that are not there with us. It is our job to communicate in a variety of ways what we are about, what our prayer needs are, and how the Great Commission IS being fulfilled. Currently they are understaffed for the amount of current responsibility and future vision they have.
Also I will be working with Art Refuge a few weekends a month. Doing art among community artists. Christians and non-Christians alike. Building relationships. Those that are Christian artists on the base and in the community have a vision to be a part of bringing art directly to the mission field. This informal gathering together, and joining with the current outreach is often called "Art Reach." Art Reach often does portraits in the street, art displays and shows in a city. Each city is different, so the ministry varies.
Outreach effectiveness :
Two Stories/ Beyond the statistics:
(but if you would like statistics please email me)
We could share numerous stories of how we have seen God work through us as a couple. Matt seems to be the older brother for every kid between 6 and 14, and getting God out of the boxes people put Him in. “Thank you so much for helping my little boy be passionate about praying.” -a mom that had previously struggled with getting her 7 year old be attentive at church. She cried as she told us that he had offered to pray for her headache when she nonchalantly told him about it. She was so proud of him and was thankful that we had been there. The little boy had joined with us, the week before, to pray for a neighbor girl who we saw gain feeling in her legs for the first time.
I on the other hand I am very passionate about using art in everyday ministry, and seeing change happen one-on-one. We were speaking at a homeless outreach and I was asked to share. I put a piece of paper on the wall in front of about 50 people and drew a picture while another person read a Psalm. The picture was of Jesus on the Cross with his arms down reaching around a person in a strong embrace. We finished with an explanation of Gods love, our value, and His longing for relationship with us as individuals. A woman approached me after, crying. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” Matt and I ended up praying for her (a back-slidden Christian) and for her husband (a devout Muslim). Before our time was up she hugged me goodbye she slipped something into my pocket “I’m stronger now”, she whispered, tears in her eyes. I checked my pocket when she was gone. It was a “tic” (heroin) pipe, ready for use. Immediately I destroyed it. Unknowingly we had shared with them that in our weakness we need to lean into God, turn away from things of the world that will only satisfy us temporarily, and that Jesus was the only one that could save us from our sins. Randomly we found out later that the ‘god’ the husband was speaking of was the god of the Quaran. The church is still working with this couple.
Communication/ Prayer: We all serve the same God, and have the ability to build each other up in faith in the God that unites us. If you have ANY ideas/ suggestions how we can better communicate with the church, for resources for the staff and congregation we would appreciate it. We don’t just want to get the word out of what we are doing but of what God is doing. Currently we have a website/blog and send out newsletters when possible. And it wouldn’t hurt if we could stay updated on how to pray for the church.
Finances: It is our heart that the church body/ and people who believed in the cause would individually decide to partner with us because God has spoken to them personally. We know that we go into the nations as representatives of our country, community, and church so it is not our goal to just “ask for money” but to encourage the church body to partner with us as team. Obviously this holds us extremely accountable with communicating with the church about what we are doing and our needs, hoping that individuals are listening.
In the past we have had several families that have supported us monthly. Right now (because we are home) one family has communicated a continued commitment to that. Also we return we will need to raise finances for our visa’s, and airfare. Visa’s around 300-400/ flights around 1,200-2,000 per person.
QUICK WAY TO SUPPORT/ non-tax deductable.
Teams to come: Next year YWAM Perth will be concentrating their focus on Mexico City. As many YWAM bases that will be available will be there. They would like as many people to come that are locally available. If anyone is interested. As far as I know so far they just need ‘hands and feet’ anyone willing to be available. So if anyone in the church is available and would like to help in 2010. Let us know.
Many individuals from the our church have worked with YWAM teams in the past. The youth group has done ministry with the Tyler, Texas base on 2 occasions. And a few individuals went and did ministry in China while the doors were open during the Olympics season.
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