December 30, 2008
Congrats, Omar and Elizabeth Williams./YWAM ministries
December 26, 2008
Clothing Drive
We went down to the -I think that it was- the north side of the city, and no one was in sight. So we parked the car at the local church, near the park like before. I stayed at the car and Matt went to scout out what we could do. "by chance" he found Alfonzo, a friend he had made last time, with ready directions to a local bedding house/ shelter/ boarding house. SOoo0o I sat in the back of the car on top of several bags, in fetal position mind you, and we went up to the shelter. Big brick house with a mural on the back, and the rest of it was purple, inside out and troughout. Everyone was soo nice, and yup, thats where everyone was.
Just the joy on so many faces, drew me back. I was out of my element, surrounded with such caring and grateful people.
Thank you everyone for givin soo much, our car came back as empty as could be.
WE would like to go back in early March. THere was such a large and immediate response from soo many people. . . I will be making up more fliers soon.
December 10, 2008
New Peice, Pittsburgh outreach, Part of something bigger
Yay! First finished peice for my portfolio in a long time. I have such a hard time doing art for myself. I like the service of it,... but that comes with its hardships too. Here it is.
Its a little blurry. The lighting was bad soo... your kinda missn' out on the definate lines in the sheet of paper and the held yellow rope up to the kite.
The thought behind it all is the symbol of prayer, and the power of hope. Because we are not alone, and as Matt and I plan to go to the other side of the world,... people are praying for us. Their prayers are going with us from afar. Not just 'good luck', not just 'you can do it'. . . ya know what I mean? 3 different families have prayed and told us that they believe that God wants to use us as instruments to help people, they are goin to suport us monthy. We just asked them to pray. Isnt that cool!? Others are praying for our safety, Gods provision,. . . Im take n' it all in just greatful to be a part of somthing bigger.
For us in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and finishing all of the paperwork needed to leave,.... YES- we are getting excited, yes we love talking about it with everybody in preparing to say goodbye,.. but we just want to be instuments, we dont want to just get into all this to bring attention to ourselves. . . ya know.
Speaking of cool outreaches.. Ya wanna help, donate clothing, or join us for this one (below) let us know. Or if you would like to have a copy of this to print as a flyer to hang up in your break room let us know via. comment, email, myspace, er facebook .
December 3, 2008
Preparing the way
A map (above) of geographical areas to be aware of. If you are praying for us, or just wondering what we are up to.
- The blue Dot on Australia is where we will be stationed. YWAM PERTH. In Perth, Australia.
- The highlighted areas around Australia is where they as a base, feel called to do ministry, as well as reaching into the country of Australia itself. We will probably be sent somewhere together in this area
- The BOXed area is known as the 10/40 window.
A few Facts about the 10/40 window region of the world.
- The top 10 countries with the largest amount of 'non-christian' or 'unreached population' are located here.
- 85% of the world's poorest of the poor live here.
- 43 of the top 50 countries that persecute Christians are here.Persecution here can be serious - jailtime or even death.
- Oh and the 10/40 part means the Latitude lines, if your looking on a globe.
Just some thoughts. . .
posted on September 2008
some testimonies from mediareachdts 08
Before I left for DTS I was in a place of hopelessness and
frustration. My parents divorce had left me bitter, resentful and overwhelmed by
a self ill-placed responsibility to fix my family. I came here as a last chance to
get my relationship right with God. I had been a Christian all of my life but I
have struggled so much with rebellion in many areas and I really felt like a
failure in my walk with God. When DTS started I was not aware of what it was
going to be like. I knew I would learn a lot about God and that I would be
helping people on outreach but what came next was a total and wonderful
surprise. I was now surrounded by people who also loved God, had been through
struggles, and wanted a right relationship with Him as well. It was a supportive
place for me to work through a lot of the intense pain I had in my heart. God
spoke to me about forgiveness, and replacing lies with truth but over all, He
wanted to tell me how much he loves me. He wanted me to know that I am not a
disappointment to him and that no matter what, He will always love me. It was a
concept I had never believed in my heart but I am now getting a hold on. The
creator of the universe loves me even when I mess up. Heʼs not waiting for me to
make a mistake. He delights in our time together and loves it when I sing him
little songs. He has plans for my life because He trusts that I am capable of
bringing Him glory AND He wants to bless me with a future that fits me to the
core of who I am. -Amanda
On my MediaReach DTS, one of the things that I am entering into is an intimacy with God that I have never known before. He wants full access to my heart, mind, and soul so that He can fine tune the details and usher me into freedom and deeper relationship with Him. This relationship touches all areas of my life, including my creativity and expression. Whether in web production, writing, or sculpting a cake, the God of the universe - ultimate Creator, Inventor, Artist Himself -- wants to co-create with me! How awesome is that?! I am excited that my final product will communicate God's heart, and not just my own ideas. -JoAnne
December 2, 2008
Times like these we learn to live again. . . .
The following pictures were taken by an amazing photographer we know. Ollie, who has a sharp eye for soft contrasts and not-often-caught natural moments. I got these from her site. Oh!- and not to forget- Donny (Ollies fiance') who has done all the professional music mixing. You guys are such an amazing and talented couple. As the distance grows between us I hope that we can keep up with you two! Hope you enjoy your new lives in Pittsburgh, you will be missed.
MATTHEW, in his element.
MARK HAMM (below), As an integral part of the Hamm family, is like a cousin to me, I'd say brother, but I guess I don't get to see em very often. Congrats on Graduating from Full Sail college, and getting that internship in NYC!! Good Luck. . . your in our prayers.
November 24, 2008
Dreams, and Coffeeshops
Prayer Card I will be printing out soon. . .
So Im sitting in the most beautiful local coffeeshop around. Granted its about 45 minutes away and usually packed, it reminds me of Australia, on streets of Fremantle. Its furnished in beaten and bruised antique wood everywhere, and some is probably authentic from when this was a shop of sorts in the early part of the century. Ornate tin ceiling, and muraled faux finished walls. Feels like it should be a library. But on top of all that there are bright and ever changing contemporary art pieces all over the walls. Oh and not-to-be-forgotten goddy brass light fixtures and chandeliers everywhere - Tea pots have found their way onto everyone of them. Look at the site you'll see what I mean. But its all great, original personality and all.
Its called Michelles
Michelles, like many coffee shops, seems to have a life of its own. Vibrant, joyfully living and breathing, the lungs of the local community. On my day off this is my thing to do. I go to a coffeeshop and write down my dreams, my thoughts and visions for the future. Matt had to beg me to go today. . . cause I really struggle with spending money on myself; even if its a couple bucks and some gas for the sake of driving to a date with God. But thats really how I try to look at it. At home I look around and stress at all the personal-productive things I could be doing instead of taking some time to read, reflect, meditate on the word- - and dare I say it relax, resting in that still small voice.
I SHARE ABOUT THE CAFE THING BECAUSE. . . . A very long term growing vision of mine is to someday collaborate with a Cafe. Ive rattled this off to quite a few people, but humor me if youve heard it already- besides you may have missed something. Eventually I would love to work with a coffeeshop somewhere and have a community Arts Studio in it. Teach Art, hold classes, workshops, seminars and such. Of which would probably be held in a side or back room somewhere. The Art could be sold in the cafe for community projects or fundraisers. To buy paint for a mural on the sadder side of town, wells in Africa, or even scholarships for people of the community that couldnt afford the classes, workshops, seminars etc. Also, show, and sell fair trade art from around the world. There is so much more but please ask. . I love to share a brain-vision-storming party.
Ive wondered and prayed, since I first started dreaming about it all, what part would I play. I don't have a collage or business degree. Step by step God has showed me parts of myself I never new were there. First direct word to step out in- -"Make yourself available" right after I finished the Art Evangelists School. I was asked (right after that it seemed) to be the official Elementary Art Teacher for CLA. I one; didn't even remotely think that I could teach -let alone be good at it. Now that-that season there is over I miss it so so much, and have been told that Im am rather good at it naturally. - Yes-way! - But also I was asked to design a restaurant, officially be the executive design consultant. Um yeah,... can I just say I have first hand resources now and ideas I would have never- had I not been a participant. Can we say Photoshop? yay!
Rather cool huh?
November 14, 2008
Soo what are you guys doing again?
The first step in our journey. . .
description from the web site
To know God and make Him known is the core value of our DTS. Be ruined for the ordinary! This is the gateway course to the international family of YWAM, come join us. Be challenged in your relationship with God, find your purpose in the Great Commission, and embark with us on the adventure!
A Discipleship Training School is all about knowing God more and making him known. It’s an opportunity to meet with God in a unique, dynamic and transformational way. DTS includes a 3 month lecture phase and a 3 month outreach overseas. Each week of the lecture phase, local and international speakers focus on topics such as: the fatherheart of God, forgiveness and repentance, the nature and character of God, missions, hearing God's voice and intercession. As a MediaReach DTS, we will also spotlight issues of worldview, creativity and Christlike communication throughout the school as well. With YWAM training it’s all about personal application, not just amassing knowledge, it’s about how does this truth affect the way I live my life? The DTS includes not only classroom lectures, but regular times of worship and prayer, small group discussion, one-on-one discipleship, hands-on serving on base, weekly outreach in the city... and lots of fun community life!
As for outreach, imagine using your gifts and passion for media to creatively share God’s love with people. A MediaReach DTS outreach could include sharing your story with university students in urban China. How about not only documenting but getting involved first hand in what God is doing in bringing transformation to a megacity? How about creating a website incorporating videos, photos and articles by your classmates to creatively and contextually introduce people to the love of Christ? How about linking with others who are using media to reach the nations? Professional photographers in missions, filmmakers raising awareness of social injustice, artists creating visual narratives to reach indigenous cultures, web designers serving in frontier media… get introduced to an array of opportunities to use your gifts for God! It’s about sharing the love of Christ with people through our lives and through the “voices” of the gifts God’s given us. So whether you’re a graphic designer, a photographer, a journalist, a film buff, an IT whiz, a screenwriter, whatever… just someone with a love for creative communication… if you’re passionate about knowing God more and making him known creatively, MediaReach DTS may be just your thing! Whether your camera is a $3 disposable or the latest digital SLR, whether you're hopeless at checking your e-mail or whether you're coding in your sleep, whether you've been a Christian a month or a lifetime, it’s not about skills or qualifications, it’s about growing with God and letting him use you as a voice to the nations.All experience and skill backgrounds welcome! It’s not about being the most skilled or the most qualified. A key passage about being called to communicate to the nations is Jeremiah 1:4-9.The word of the Lord came to me (Jeremiah), saying, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” “Ah, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “ Now, I have put my words in your mouth…”Don’t look at your “inadequacy,” just step out and obey God. Live the adventure!Expect to encounter God, expect to be challenged and encouraged, expect to be used by God!
November 13, 2008
art, photos, pushing for more
2 mile run park (1)
Ive thought a few times about selling some photography, but have questioned whether it would sell. I'm saving these so please don't take/copy without permission.
white shoes I bought, painted with hope this past spring
'Almost finished' mural in our apartment. A gift to leave for our landlords and an opportunity to work on my portfolio.
This is the biggest original canvas I have ever worked on. 30x34? Sorry for the flash glare. It looks wonderful on this wall, it was a present for the grand opening of the restaurant and was themed after the thoughts and feelings going into it all. Doors opening, stepping into a new world. . . I was so surprised at the positive public feedback I got on it so far. If you like this style please please let me know. Tell me what you like and what you don't. I'm thinking about continuing the feel, patterns, and random related objects in the next few pieces I'm in the midst of working on.
November 9, 2008
November 7, 2008
Reaching out
Almost a month ago a good friend of ours, Amy Porter, stood in
front of the church advocating awareness about the devastation that Haiti,
a country in the Philippines, that has endured over the past few months
because of the monsterous hurricans that have swept over the already weak and
poverished land.
I know several women that are going down in about a month. I
had the priviledge of helping them wrap presents and prepare them for shipping
for a couple small orphanages. I've been crying in prayer ever since. The images
of joy on their little frames just flooded my imagination.
Amy works with a larger orphanage called "Danita's children"
and will be continuing to advocate awareness about what people can do. Here is a
This specific flyer is for Danita's
October 14, 2008
simple prayers for us
Missing Matt. We seem to be doing well with the opposite schedules, but we miss each other A LOT.We have felt the need to step away from many things so that we can spend more time together.
We both understand that the jobs we have now are not what we are meant to do forever, but where we are suppose to be right now. For as many hours that there are in a day dedicated to working at a job- of course its gonna be a battle field. Bare in mind, we as artists are both drawn to pleasing people and can stumble in doing it right, for the right reason. Not to be crushed or discouraged if the extra mile was pursued and went unnoticed or taken for granted.
- SHORT TERM -Youth With A Mission, staying ‘on task’- raising supporters, paperwork done, plane tickets, visas etc. CLEAR WORDS from the Lord- for His will.
- LONG TERM -The vision of a community Art & Music Studio/ Coffee shop/ show space. When, where, how,. . . Who.
- Steph’s family. Hope. When living years without, it can have devastating effects and slippery to grasp. Generational curses broken and ‘long-term-better-things’ put in that void.
- Matt’s family. The divorce between his parents. Over a decade later; there still is an almost visible wall weaving seasonally between family members. Reconciliation and Healing.
- Our Moms, that they would be healed, encouraged and enlightened in their daily lives, in their personal identities and worldviews.
October 9, 2008
Our local mission field
Designing the logo and proofing all of its uses. Consulting, advising, and buying every ‘look and feel’ decision of the dining room from paint colors and stain; to lighting, flooring, décor, and furnishing. All of the art work and framing, including two 6’x7’ murals I painted. Layout and Design and studied to make presentable and profitable.
Some areas I gave an opinion to but were decided otherwise, such is life in the art world. This was/is their baby. My heart was in the work that I did but -I’m glad that their vision and plans came through. They were happy with what we did.
If your local please go - and check it out. Tell me what you think. Haha, but remember the ‘look and feel’ was my deal, I may not be able to answer all your questions about the rest. It's on Route 8, just a mile from franklin, in the 'Big Lots' strip area.
So Matt is working at Liberty Electronics, and I am at the restaurant working as a front manager/hostess until March.
I blogged about this awhile ago but the purpose of this blog has been to keep people updated on what we are doing and where we are. So here is a quick run down with some answered questions.
We are in the midst of raising monthly supporters, paperwork, and soon visas. Call it humanitarian work, call it mission work, call traveling with a cause. Haha. Starting at the beginning of April we will be working with Youth With A Mission and hoping to stay in that feild until we are led to stop. The team we will be joining, training along side, and using media with, will have a goal to reach people groups that have not heard the gospel. For me this means bringing hope. If people are starving in India because they sacrifice such a large amount of food to their gods something is wrong. Matt and I want to join a cause to help people with these and other issues. I’m breaking this down because besides my friends at church, I know I’ve given this page address to younger people I work and interact with that I don’t want to assume or take their understanding for granted. But besides sharing the gospel I know that we will work in many other tangible opportunities. Usually in YWAM you are the resource, what you bring in who you are is what we have to use to help people. "I am YWAM"- or so tha ads say. From holding babies in orphanages, building houses after tsunamis, digging wells where there is no clean water. Playing/ teaching music or art to people to bridge the gap between races or bring attention to social injustice or create awareness. . .point to hope. DING-DING-DING!!
Thats me, that’s my husband.
He hasn’t had time to blog lately but let me just share with you about my observation of his heart.
He practices regularly in the park with his guitar, a guitar might I add he felt the need/call to sell his x-box in order to buy last year. So he is on the usual bench in the park working on -more than likely- a song he was writing. Some junior high kids walked by. And he tells the story way better than I do, mind you. These kids approach him later somewhere else with that guitar strapped to his back. “Are you in a band?” with sparkles in their eyes gleaming with a distant adoration. For those of you don’t know almost every teenage boy thinks its cool to be 'in a band'. Matt got to talking with them and found himself in one of their houses, over in the Third-ward side of town; just a week later. They jammed a little, playing guitar and drums back and forth, sharing ideas and thoughts on music and life. ‘Nice’ house Matt told me. He also shared with me that the mom of the house pulled him aside and offered to pay him for the music lessons. Matt declined, for him he’s hanging out with new friends. Already I know, he has had opportunities to share with them about music, family, friends, goals, values. . . And just encourage them in music in their world and generation. “Rock n’ roll isn’t about sex, drugs and swearing-whenever-you-feel-like-it. Real musicians dont just 'play music' and get known for their ‘over the edge’ lifestyles- Real musicians are the ones that last, are respected and make a difference in the world with their talent.” Its just amazing to me how when you share an appreciation of something that brings you closer to God, . . . your sharing hope. Im sure at some point Matt will have an oppertuntity to share where his ultimate inspiration and hope comes from as he is led in this new relationship with these guys.
His go-with-the flow attitude and willingness to serve just inspires me.
Now to him (God) who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Eph 3:20
September 3, 2008
Atmosphere, getting there.
Yes, I've blogged alot about the restaurant. 'Cause at this very moment it is a big part of the tangable world around me. Today is "Orientation", Ohhhh. . . .Aaah. . .
So I feel like our lil’ laptop computer and I have
gotten a chance to become good friends. Everything seems to be on this thing,work, home, play.Lately at work, I’ve been sitting on a bench just typing away the first menu(carryout) for the restaurant. Crazy huh?- Me at a desk. Designing mind-you, but at a desk nevertheless wishing my WPM was faster. It is all coming along well too! I have the carry out menu all finished. The indoor trellis, and canopy are built and adorned in fun surprises. The window shelves and curtains are all up; the lighting, tables and chairs are all set, and ready to go. The floor, paint, fabric border, wood stain, and murals all seem to have been done ages ago. Wha-who we are almost there. Just to answer a question I have gotten alot--Then when we open I will be a hostess/front Manager.
Keep us in your prayers. Those of you who do that sorta thing- Thank you!!. Obviously it’s a big undertaking to be taking on such a huge thing as ‘starting a business’, and we need all the help we can get.
August 30, 2008
in places like ----- in a relevant way."
Oh and here is an example of a photo in New Mexico:
We felt very blessed to see these pictures, and I felt very encouraged because this gift from Dannette represented more than just pictures. God used her to bless us through ART! Thats my dream, thats my 'now'. I dont want to ever stop making and blessing people with this kinda stuff. Love -&Godblessyou- Dannette, Thanks again,
Steph and Matt
August 21, 2008
Santa Fe - Lasting thoughts
Matt and I went there asking God on a confirmation and direction. Sure the climate is amazing and the natives are nice -but is that a place where God wants us to be. ? Where God is calling us. I let Matt totally soak it all in and really didn’t ask for a straight answer about his thoughts until a week after we got home. We both left encouraged to “stay the course for our immediate next steps”, and Matt shared with me a new excitement he felt about getting involved with Youth With A Mission. Confirmed over and over again though is an overwhelming “reaffirming our vision for ministry”.
As for Santa Fe, and the YWAM base there. Only God knows. The people we did meet, and in catching up with Beth; we did get a chance to get refreshed and encouraged in the ’now’ of our walk. I can definitely say it would be a joy to get involved with them, but there is no definite word on when that would be or what that would look like.
Allowing us to come all that way to ‘scout‘ and see Santa Fe, even if we didn’t build a house together. You showed us the most genuine YWAM Santa Fe experience, even if that meant you had a lot of work to do while we were there. Personally it was so much of a blessing just to spend time with you. We appreciate you, miss you, and are excited for all that God has for you and your to-be hubby.
Thanks for the continued encouragement you’ve given Lizzy. She is a very gifted musician. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to share about YWAM Santa Fe and the radical spiritual awakening that seems to be happening in the area. ‘Yarp’ing for you in China.
You are so gifted in photography, thank you for sharing that with us. It was great to chill with you again ya goof. I hope that we see each other again soon.
We only really got to spend a day together but it was nice. Beth was right, we did like you, and realized we a lot like you -or at least the creative and goofy parts. You are both so encouraging, and real. Oh and we listened to the sermon/teaching on CD, good stuff.
Santa Fe- Last Leg SAT, SUN, & MON
Brief Highlights:
Drove up the mountain with Matt in Elizabeth’s borrowed car - Thanks again by the way. Good quality couple time for us. Twisting and winding roads led us to a view of the Rocky Mountain foot hills that reminded us of the Appalachian Mountains on our honeymoon over a year ago. Blue mountains in the far distance that reminded us of how creative God is, and how incredibly small we are.
Catching up with the fun n’ sweet Santa Fe native photographer, Dannette. She offered to do a couples shoot for us. I think partially for her portfolio, and partially for a friendly welcoming gift for us. Check SOME of ‘em out on her blog, she’s very good, and I had fun.
Day5 Sunday
Our cell phone rings, and its Beth. She had left over an hour ago with Karen Lafferty, to take her to the airport. Karen was to be in China for 6 weeks, performing and touring as a musician. With the hustle and bustle of the very early morning, something was forgotten. Karen’s carry-on bags. I could hear the distress in Beth’s voice from my side of the bed. So Matt jumps out of bed “We have to be in the car Steph, right now.” Whaaa-whoo! We pulled out of the driveway in less than five minutes. Not knowing the area very well, Elizabeth navigated us road for road to the interstate. All I could think was “Welcome to YWAM”. I was loving the challenge and adrenaline rush. If you haven’t noticed, I take pride in the perseverance I have, especially when its needed. We traveled for twenty minutes when we got another call. They realized we weren’t gonna make it on time. All I can say is. . . I pouted as we retreated back to our bed. Liz said it wasn’t our fault, there wouldn’t have been enough time either way.
Other Happenings, and before we left:
- Went to Beth’s church. The pastor was very spanish, the worship leader was very gifted, and the congregation was maybe 60-70 people.
- We ended up inviting some 20 something’s that Beth knew from church hiking. Hiking- uphill. Out. . . uff. . . breath, high-er. . . uh. . . altitude,.. . less. . . air. I got quite a few pictures Ill have to share later. About 12 or so people went.
- Checked out the christian ‘camp’ grounds that YWAM-Santa Fe used for Musicians For Missions, and Training for the base.
- Family dinners. Stir-fry and Spaghetti , a whole sofa-load of people the last 2 nites. We all watched the Olympics over YWAM conversations about India customs, sociology of China and traveling. Oh I was at home, among those words. Chad and Meagan, Dannette, Matt and I, Virginia and
- We all got a chance to help Beth move all her stuff from a shared storage area to one of her own. She said it would of taken her all day by her self. She was ecstatic that it only took a couple of hours with some help.
August 11, 2008
Friday, Lizzy had a lot of work to do for Karen, administrative duties, research, and tons of not so-fun clerical catch-ups. She felt bad, but it was no big deal.
Matt took a walk and we caught up with him and went to a lively bakery/coffee shop. Bright and colorful place (cant remember the name for the life of me), huge turnovers, decent coffee. It looked like a pretty happen’n place. Matt chose to entertain us by asking “guess which hand the ketchup bottle is in.” I guessed wrong 2 out of 3 times. The game was followed by another couple ‘happy birthday’ messages to Beths’ graduating-from-college-brother Mark. In this mish-mosh of happenings she showed us pictures of her recent Mission trip. Amazing what God can do in a 'closed-to-christian-communist country'. It was astounding and encouraging that God has a dynamic, purposefull, networked plan for his children. The church, no matter how humanly imperfect, no matter how widespread and diverse is at the tip of his fingers.
We ended up walkn’ around the square, er uh the marketplace for a while. Mostly turquoise stone wear and common Santa Fe symbols wrapped into a ’tourist package’; howling desert coyotes, cactuses, and chilies. There was a demonstration on the lawn over the issue of Tibet vs. China, with grotesque banners and pictures of what looked like war timely because the Olympics in Beijing was to start today. Tibet has wanted for a great while to be independent from China, and there have been protests and marches against the communist nation. Many Tibetans have been killed maliciously and it doesn’t look like their freedom is going to be any time soon. In short the Chinese Olympics are being boycotted by people and groups because of the issue.
Hmm. Not by us. We picked up some pizza’s for the oven and tossed salad- and in front of the opening ceremony we went. It was a 'limited-captivating'. I say limited because to see a 360 degree performance in a flat 24 inch TV really limits your absolute attention. Before it was all officially begun, half of the house went to bed. The one-on-one time got Elizabeth and I talking. It seems Ive gotten to know her, in her world, on this trip. Life unpredictable, private and professional priorities jumping over board and switching places regularly, digging up strength to trust God for every step. Some how we got stuck on the ‘loneliness factor’, which apparently can take a big toll on one so far away from home. It was a good talk, and turned out to be a good venting time for both of us.
August 10, 2008
Santa Fe -catching our breath DAY TWO
Day 2 Thursday
The land out here is dry, arid, and minus the red earth- reminds me of the Australia desert I saw in NSW. All of the buildings here though are Adobe or Spanish style. It makes you feel like your somewhere else. Somewhere unrelated to (what I know) as the United States. A constant sea of textures in browns and tans with flecks of vibrant teal, purple, and red-orange doors, lampposts, and fences.
Today Beth took us to a little area of gallery’s called Canyon Road. Beautiful place. Blocks and blocks of Adobe and Spanish style houses; that have flourishing flower boxes, rock gardens, and little signs outside with the style of art, or artists work they display inside. Each house was easily converted into a gallery of displays, mostly fine art in southwestern style, giving respects to the Spanish, Mexican, Native American, and Cowboy influences here. Contrasts of colors, and patterns from the modern to the classic all over every one. Some places had paintings, some sculptures- actually many had bronze sculptures- some had installations. Actually Liz took us into this neat little gallery with the captivating art of a friend of hers, Randall Hasson. I encourage you to look him up, all the words I would use to describe his calligraphy paintings would not do the pieces justice. (
Then it was on to eat- we had worked up an appetite. “Let me show you guys what genuine Mexican food really tastes like.” To Tomisita’s we go. We were led to a round wooden table clustered in the middle of a long, tall-ceiling’d room, among business and family patrons alike. Dried red chilies adorned the tan terracotta walls in long strings quite like bananas on a tree. If you know what that looks like. I don’t know- look it up. . . I trying to sound like I know what Im talking about- please just go with it. But the food, was amazing. We had Sopipias’, Mmmm with chicken and red and green sauce. A Sopipia is a delicious pocket of thin soft dough that can be stuffed or eaten alone. On the plate it was arranged with lettuce and salsa, drenched with the sauce. Beth ordered it as ‘Christmas’ because you can have green sauce, red sauce, or both. All you need to know is that it was just spicy enough, the chicken was tender and juicy, and it was GOOD! Oh- and our waitress also brought empty sopipias’ which, as Beth showed us, we drenched in honey found readily available on the table. Great to be with friends, like a long lost experience.
Matt, being the gentleman he is, figured Liz and I wanted some girl time. “All I want is to eventually hike up a mountain” he said, “So we dropped him off back at the base and I guess he went back and took a nap. Understandable, noting that the altitude here is 7,000 above sea level, all I know is that is a lot higher than home. Its wonderful for the weather, but can reduce the amount of oxygen in the air, potentially inducing tiredness to non-locals. So, we were off to a good o’ time. . . Actually we just ran some errands, picked up some magazines at the bookstore, discussed creative ideas about decorating. Elizabeth is so fun to talk to about those kind of things, because she has deliberately picked up on so many details she has seen in her travels around the world.
By this time its getting late. So we crowded around the TV and watched the news and worked on our computers. ‘Ding-dong’, a sound came from Elizabeth’s computer. Skype, a free communication program on her computer was calling. On the other side of that ring, a friend from Alaska and a mutual friend Canada. Two separate places, and with a computer camera, its like the doorbell just rang and your friends are right there. It was nice to catch up. It was a great way to end the night.
August 8, 2008
Santa Fe dry and fruitful - DAY ONE
Im writing the first morning after we arrived here in Santa Fe. Getting over the little amount of Jet-lag we have encountered, we are up bright and early. 8:30 here in this wonderfully dry desert, is 10:30 at home in good-ol green Pennsyltucky.
So yesterday- (you gotta hear this) we got up at my moms house, because she accepted the position as airport-driver and requested that we spend the night. We, or should I say I, was under the impression that our itinerary said Matt and I had to board the plane at eight. Right as we are going out the door, at 4am, Matt ’so conveniently’ discovered it said six. Now I have to inform you that having flown a few times before I knew that we had to be at the airport 2hours early because of the security changes that have been made- influenced by the events of September 11, 2001. I was just praying if it was to happen that we were to be on that plane, and that for some reason or another those fun little security changes would be a little shorter than usual. Shorter buy at least the 2 hours suggested you be there. We arrived at the terminal just as the plane was boarding. Some call it fate, some call it coincidence - I call that kind of miracle God. We made it!
I think getting on that plane meant soo much to Matt. It represented, growth, goals, and God working in our lives to get us to this point. I could see it on his face as we waited at our lay-over in Minneapolis, a content and quiet joy. We arrived in Albuquerque safe and sound, a little queasy, but content to have traveled together as couple. Elizabeth met us at the airport with hugs and a beautiful wide grin. On the way to the YWAM base she pointed out the names of distant mountains and we ended up stopping at this quaint, brightly colored, genuine 50’s vintage diner called the Route66 Diner. It was clean lined, adorned in pink, teal, chrome and black n’ white checkers. We excitedly caught each other up on life and happenings over sandwiches and great milkshakes!
We got to the ‘base’, otherwise known as Karen Lafferty’s house, the leader of the ‘base‘. Dropped our bags and met its current residents. An older mother and daughter duo, Virginia and Karen. Sweet ladies with lots of joy and wisdom. And Karen Lafferty also an older lady, (I‘ll share more about her later). Oh and when I say older I mean beyond our parents age, attempting to season my words with salt but give you an understanding of how it all comes off. Apparently we just missed a few others that usually work here, but conveniently so- because it left an empty bed.
Matt and I had dinner at Applebee’s with Beth and Karen Lafferty. We discussed our experiences in YWAM, and visions and goals about our future. Good conversation. It amazed me about how united and networked Youth With A Mission is. Karen, who has been part of YWAM for decades now, knew almost every leader I have ever met or heard of - all over the globe mind you. Karen came across very versed and professional, while encouraging and cautious with her words. This has been very good for Matt and I because we have been praying and asking God if getting involved with this base is in our future. As right now we are waiting on a direct word that we can stand on from the Lord.
July 4, 2008
Teaching Art for 2 years.
They were left with the impression that I would be back next year. "Have a good summer I said to them, I will miss you all so so much." A couple times I was asked in front of a few students if I was coming back next year. Stuck; I had to answer, and I saw some tears. It broke my heart as I explained why. The hugs were like bandaids, and I was growing numb.
ON A PROFESSIONAL LEVEL :The Elementary principal gave my evaluation on the last day I had classes. I was bracing myself for the bad news. We talked and shared stories for an hour or so. I was still waiting for the bad stuff, the real dirt. So I told her how I felt, what I was waiting for. She responded to me something like this ' No Steph we have loved having you here, and I from what the kids have said and brought back to my class, and what I've heard from the faculty I would have never known you didn't have a degree.' I'm sure she meant Art or Elementary Education degree. But she continued on to say 'And if you ever need a good reference...'. I was blown away- all year, through all of my mental, creative and emotional ups-and-downs; I would have never imagined to be told that.
ON A PERSONAL LEVEL: There are many memories and people I hope to never forget.
Never forget sitting with the highschool kids at lunch laughing it up, nights with Mrs. Hawk talking forever about each students memories and momentos, the different personalities of each class.
Here is a favorite story.
A boy named Adam, in the second grade who had a knack for crying on cue; had this year grown so so much, and I was quite fond of the fact he now looked forward to art class without tears.
Until a wonderful afternoon in February. Dun-dun-dun.
We were making heart animals, out of pieces of construction paper. Out of the corner of my eye I see him quickly squirming into that familiar uncomfortable posture again. I walked over and said "whats wrong Adam?"-
" I cant cuT any more hearts" as his folded piece of red paper became an unfolded water drop shape in his hands.
Frustrated tears began to stream.
"Sure you can, look at all of the wonderful hearts on your puppy.... You are doing a very good job soo far"
Just then his eyes opened wide and welled up with pools of new tears.
Much louder than before, with a wine" Its-not a puppeeeeee... *sniff* its-a kittyeeeeeee."
At this point the whole class is caught wondering at the corner of distraction and focus.
His heavy tears rolling.
Without thinking,... I turned my attention to the paper and spoke in the most sincere and playful voice I could find... .
"I AM so SO sorry Mr. kitty will you forgive me?"
A brief pause; and then. . . "meow- meow" from now presently grinning boy.
It was in an instant a switch had been flipped.
"Well. . . . He's your kitty. . . .Do you think that means he forgives me?"
"I think so", just then as he opened a freshly cut piece of paper- a heart shape appeared.
A smile appeared on his wet face.
"Will you be. . . ?" and before I could finish ('alright') he raised his hand toward me and flicked his wrist. . . contently shoo-ing me away. Those wide eyes now focused on his scissors rounding the bend, finishing the next heart in his plans.
That was the last time I saw him cry, and I was very proud of that moment of victory I got to share with him.
Welcome to my life.
June 14, 2008
peace beyond this feeling
is a public service announcement
brought to you by:
the greatest restaurant on earth.
Its raining in western Pennsylvania. . .
From that group of people: Mary, her daughter Alica, and Sam, whom have just recently left also. . . with the purpose of starting a restaurant. Since I met her; Mary has shared that it has been her dream for years to be the owner/manager of her own restaurant. Through a few unfortunate circumstances and challenges the opportunity and bravery arouse in the three of them to join together and take the plunge. Folks -in my small town- this is a miracle. Our area has been economically struggling for a few decades now. Our minimum wage is one of the lowest numbers country-wide, and the welfare system here supports more people per capita than any other in our state. Just to give you an idea of why I am amazed at the ambition and bravery of these small town pioneers.
Right now- I am on a feildtrip in Sam's spartan-caravan to get hardwood flooring for the restaurant. Ooh!- Lowes, what fun. Actually I was casually asked by miss momma Mary, about a month ago, to join the trifecta and help them get this business started. I am now the official advertising and design executive of the Atmosphere international foods restaurant.
We plan to be open in September, and hope to bring some change that inspires the community to believe in the potential of this area.(particularly the potential of new business- *hardy-har-har*)
In the bigger spectrum of things; I have since about January felt led to step away from my teaching job. Knowing at the time that the main and only focus, for Matt and I would soon be Youth with A Mission, Australia.Some times it seems God is so clear about the next step, that you just have a tremendous peace- yea know? Also this would be an opportunity for a clean break at the end of the school year verses smack in the middle. Believe me- I am going to miss those kids, I'm going to miss mentoring, teaching, and planting hope in their vast imaginations.
In the back of my mind though I have asked in prayer... How then God do you want me to make myself available in this season? All the while excited for the potential Art studio I may be a part of some day, maybe in some place far away, maybe connected with a trendy-hot spot cafe' in the downtown inner city. That's MY dream. Will I have to help build it from the ground up..? How do I prepare my tools for the task, my mind for the mission?
That's when Mary asked me to be part of the restaurant this summer, and potentially solid and reliable work this coming winter. There it was again, 'peace' beyond a feeling almost confirmation.
June 5, 2008
Today I spray-painted by wedding shoes black
I sorta had this thought the other nite. Only with clay. Like a potter, his pottery wheel and the clay.
First (we) the clay is essentially the dirt of the earth, that has been uniquely and individually chosen to become a vessel. Not just any container- but a vessel ment to hold something of utmost importance and imagination of its maker.
Will this vessel have a handle ment to be held and gripped with certainty? Will this vessel have a spout ment to pour its innermost contents out of with smooth precision and aim? Will this vessel be deep and open to being filled wholly and secure? Will this vessel have a strong foundation and inner structure to prevent it from breaking on an unexpected fall.
The Potters hands, as an ever-ready-experieced artisan, genuinely gentle as the silt of water and mud enevitably wash and cover into the crevices of his knuckles and deep under his fingernails. The whole of this skin covered by the end of the process, he doesnt pay it any mind because his eyes, his passion are focused on his creation. As the wheel spins he -never doubting his ablity, never disbelieving in the out come of each movement and stroke of his palms. His hands always with one holding and at times the other molding. He knows alone the purpose of his fingers movement, inside then out, outside then in... Into the very depths the darkest places he places his hands and finger tips, digging out the dross, soothing out the foundation. No matter how much resistance, no matter how much grit, he gracefully works down to the last detail.
Before this all can happen (WE)- the clay have to individually and uniquely allow ourselfs to be placed on the wheel, in front of the potters hands. Hands ever ready to hold us and mold us, adding water to the dry parts, molding together the cracked parts, draw depth from the shallow parts, and building strength into the foundation and frame.
Prepared to be filled, by being changed from a mound of dirt- to a vessel with a purpose and destiny.
Thank you for reading friends,
till the world stops spin n'
April 30, 2008
April 10, 2008
Smoothies, Traveling plans, and Enjoying today.
Im trying one of their smoothies for the first time.. . .only because Ive had too much coffee for today. Strawberry with soy protein and fat burner, just to balance it out fo' some texture -- Yum...a rare-sweet fruity treat with a cool hint of vanilla.
I just dropped Matthew off in Oil City. The talented and dedicated musican he is; he decided to collaborate with some fellow artists and create! I be-so-jealous. . . .
I thought I 'd use the oppertunity to update you.
Yes we are going to Australia!! (OZ-trALL-yah)
Perth, Australia to be exact. Setting off next April for the purposes of working with YWAM. (Youth With A Mission). YWAM is a christian missionary organization whos purpose is to "know God, and make him known". For more information about YWAM. . and the huge varaities of outreaches and locations they offer please check out or

The DTS, or Discipleship Training School, is a prerequisite for almost any other involvement with YWAM. . . Something we are both mutually interested in. A DTS is an intensive- (live-in-learn-in) training program for young people seriously wanting to grow in their relationship with the Lord and serve Him. We spend 3 months in lectures and 2 months overseas on mission outreach. Oh its so exciting!! This summer we have bought tickets to visit a YWAM base in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We may potentially want to go their for an extented amount of time after our 6 month DTS. I know what your thinking-- These kids must be loaded!-- Not really. We really believe that God has really blessed us and we have tryed out best to honor him by making wise decisions fundamentally and finacailly. We acually have been saving for almost a year now, and living very very frugely.. Also we will soon be looking for prayer partners and handing out mission letters to explain exactly what we will be doing over there... and what are vision is for the future.*sigh*Seems like soo much to do in soo little time, but it all still it feels light-years away.
Right now though, we both know God has a purpose and plan for today. Im working at Christian Life Academy as an elementary art teacher once a week, and for the rest of the week I am a pizza delivery driver. If your asking 'why the contrast?'---It all works out very well at balanceing out the stress, both giveing me short oppertunities to 'get away' and reach out from my heart. Matt on the other hand is working at Liberty Electronics. He doesnt love the job, but seems to feel blessed to just to have it.
I'll let you in on a lil more next time... this is getting long and I have to pick up Matt soon. --Welcome to married life!
April 9, 2008
Contact Info, Testimony, Mission, YWAM, What we do, Support
last updated Nov. 2009
Background information/ Our Testimonies:
I (Steph) have been part of the Galloway Church family since I was 12, and gave my life (dedicated) to Christ at 16. I grew up in a broken home, where domestic abuse and drug use was common place. I came to Galloway through the a show -mini concert- ministry that happened weekly downstairs. Through meeting people at Galloway I began participating on a regular basis... as a means to have a place to have refuge. Holy Spirit spoke into my depression... at the moment I was to take my life.. "I love you" were the words I heard audibly. Its been a long journey but since my eyes have been opened, I have felt adopted. Adopted by a father that loves me unconditionally, and family that I can be vulnerable in. God has given me hope, for my future and for the next generation. A huge scripture that I read myself and use regularly in ministry is Romans 5:3-5 we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance produces character, and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us because know that Christ’s love is poured out on us through his Holy Spirit whom he has given us.
Matt began going to Galloway soon after he became good friends with me. His story has involved growing up in a Christian home that was wrecked by divorce and a church that took sides. He had sought refuge as a teenager by acting out negatively. Over the years God pursued him and he began trusting others and valuing himself while healing from his past. He found family at Galloway, and quickly he became active there. As we dated we realized that we had both persevered through great trials out of our control; missing the mark at times while growing up, but inevitably finding hope in the Lord.
Simply put, we both have a heart to ‘not keep that hope to ourselves’.
Vision/ Heart/ Mission Statement:
We don't necessarily have a written/official mission statement (we’re just getting started) but I can say that we are passionate about sharing our testimony, reason for our hope (1Pet 3:5), to anyone who will listen. Passionate about sharing the love of Christ through relationship, through art/media and awareness, through music, defending and ministering to the broken. If the bible says that true religion is caring for the widows and orphans.. in a broader sense our heart is for those that need hope reinforced around them. Extra: YWAM PERTH Vision and Mission Statement:
Mission Field:
Our mission field is where God tells us to go. This ends up being more thought out and complicated than it sounds. Right now we are involved with Youth With A Mission and they are a wonderful resource for us to be used most accountably, effectively, and strategically in the direction God has impassioned our hearts. Out of the available YWAM bases around the world; the Perth-Australia base is one that is leading in innovation and pioneering ministries. Matt and I will be staffing at the base. According to base guidelines for family; will not be apart as a family for more than a month on outreaches. There are currently there are about 300 full-time, long term (2-25 committed years ) functioning under the bases leadership. Every three months another 100 students rotate through various training programs at the main part of the base. These Christians new and seasoned, young and old, are trained/discipled for 3 months then rotate out onto the mission field also for 3 months. In the past outreach has been locations close to Australia. ex: China; Jakarta, Indonesia; Cairo, Egypt; Durban and Cape Town, South Africa; and other countries along the Indian Ocean. The base has even choreographed and lead pioneering city outreaches with other bases in other locations around the world. (The next current location will be Mexico City)For more info about YWAM Perth, Australia:
Where we are, what we do, who are we reaching :
In detail Matt will be staffing Discipleship Training Schools, what we just finished with. To do this, he feels that God is telling him to participate as a student once again. So when he is staff during Lecture Phase (3mo.); he will be leading teaching times, prayer, and work duties around the base. He will be a weekly small (cell) group leader and meet one-on-one with each student in his small group. Holding them accountable in their daily devotions, regular participation, and just being an available mentor all-around. On Outreach Phase (3 mo.) this will be intensified, as ministry is intensified. He will be a leader of an individual group of students and responsible to see them participate in regular ministry, evangelism, working as a team. He and another possible leader will be responsible for all the logistics from where his team will sleep to how they will get around once they are in their outreach location. For more info on an average DTS at Perth:
When he is not doing this he will probably be working with another ministry on the base. Right now he is looking at "Next Wave". A ministry that works with youth all round the city and region of Perth, Australia. They develop relationships with teens in programs at school, then invite those kids to a camp to build deeper relationship with God, and continue to challenge them through Youth Led Cells with the goal to "train youth to lead youth," and provide strategies to see their non-Christian friends reached. More information about Nextwave ministries:
I (Steph) will be working on the base in the media office. With keeping a base like this running, communication is key. After doing the Media DTS I realized that I am able to be used artistically and tangibly on the base. The media office creates flyers, newsletters, videos and other constantly updated media to keep training at a high standard, to share with others at home creatively and strategically. I feel that photos, videos, web design, journalism and other similar means of communication make the mission field real to those that are not there with us. It is our job to communicate in a variety of ways what we are about, what our prayer needs are, and how the Great Commission IS being fulfilled. Currently they are understaffed for the amount of current responsibility and future vision they have.
Also I will be working with Art Refuge a few weekends a month. Doing art among community artists. Christians and non-Christians alike. Building relationships. Those that are Christian artists on the base and in the community have a vision to be a part of bringing art directly to the mission field. This informal gathering together, and joining with the current outreach is often called "Art Reach." Art Reach often does portraits in the street, art displays and shows in a city. Each city is different, so the ministry varies.
Outreach effectiveness :
Two Stories/ Beyond the statistics:
(but if you would like statistics please email me)
We could share numerous stories of how we have seen God work through us as a couple. Matt seems to be the older brother for every kid between 6 and 14, and getting God out of the boxes people put Him in. “Thank you so much for helping my little boy be passionate about praying.” -a mom that had previously struggled with getting her 7 year old be attentive at church. She cried as she told us that he had offered to pray for her headache when she nonchalantly told him about it. She was so proud of him and was thankful that we had been there. The little boy had joined with us, the week before, to pray for a neighbor girl who we saw gain feeling in her legs for the first time.
I on the other hand I am very passionate about using art in everyday ministry, and seeing change happen one-on-one. We were speaking at a homeless outreach and I was asked to share. I put a piece of paper on the wall in front of about 50 people and drew a picture while another person read a Psalm. The picture was of Jesus on the Cross with his arms down reaching around a person in a strong embrace. We finished with an explanation of Gods love, our value, and His longing for relationship with us as individuals. A woman approached me after, crying. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” Matt and I ended up praying for her (a back-slidden Christian) and for her husband (a devout Muslim). Before our time was up she hugged me goodbye she slipped something into my pocket “I’m stronger now”, she whispered, tears in her eyes. I checked my pocket when she was gone. It was a “tic” (heroin) pipe, ready for use. Immediately I destroyed it. Unknowingly we had shared with them that in our weakness we need to lean into God, turn away from things of the world that will only satisfy us temporarily, and that Jesus was the only one that could save us from our sins. Randomly we found out later that the ‘god’ the husband was speaking of was the god of the Quaran. The church is still working with this couple.
Communication/ Prayer: We all serve the same God, and have the ability to build each other up in faith in the God that unites us. If you have ANY ideas/ suggestions how we can better communicate with the church, for resources for the staff and congregation we would appreciate it. We don’t just want to get the word out of what we are doing but of what God is doing. Currently we have a website/blog and send out newsletters when possible. And it wouldn’t hurt if we could stay updated on how to pray for the church.
Finances: It is our heart that the church body/ and people who believed in the cause would individually decide to partner with us because God has spoken to them personally. We know that we go into the nations as representatives of our country, community, and church so it is not our goal to just “ask for money” but to encourage the church body to partner with us as team. Obviously this holds us extremely accountable with communicating with the church about what we are doing and our needs, hoping that individuals are listening.
In the past we have had several families that have supported us monthly. Right now (because we are home) one family has communicated a continued commitment to that. Also we return we will need to raise finances for our visa’s, and airfare. Visa’s around 300-400/ flights around 1,200-2,000 per person.
QUICK WAY TO SUPPORT/ non-tax deductable.
Teams to come: Next year YWAM Perth will be concentrating their focus on Mexico City. As many YWAM bases that will be available will be there. They would like as many people to come that are locally available. If anyone is interested. As far as I know so far they just need ‘hands and feet’ anyone willing to be available. So if anyone in the church is available and would like to help in 2010. Let us know.